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Liam didn't even hesitant after Louis collapsed, he was already walking towards the door grabbing his helmet, I had to practically tackle him to stop him. "Get off me Emma." He growled angrily as I blocked the door with my body.

"Liam." I had my hand out in front of my body like I was a lion tamer and he the lion. "You can't just go beat the shit out of him."

"Why not?" He hissed.

"Don't you think that's exactly what he wants? You're mad, you're not thinking straight." I stayed rooted to the spot.

"If he is here then Danielle is in trouble. I already left her behind once with this psychopath I'm not going to do it again!" Liam was panicking, his breath unsteady and frantic.

"Think about it Liam: He's baiting you."

"So what? I can handle my own."

"Please Liam, just wait until he wakes up." I nodded my head towards Louis who was passed out on his couch. "He needs a friend." I added while Liam watched him concerned.

He didn't orally agree but he did go and sit beside Louis on the leather chair next to the couch. I went into the kitchen grabbing a wet washcloth and came back to Louis wiping the blood from his face. Liam just watched me carefully as I cleaned Louis up and iced his wounds. He didn't say a word, just sat there, hands clasped tight together as his chin rested on them.

After about 2 hours Louis started moaning in his sleep, this irritated Liam more, he started pacing around the apartment. It took another hour for him to come around but finally Louis opened his eyes. Well, only his right eye actually, his face was swollen bad on the left side.

"Hey." I said softly to him as he looked at me warily. Liam stopped pacing and retired to Louis side as soon as I spoke.

"Lou." He greeted him kneeling down beside him. Louis groaned lifting himself up on the couch.

"Fuck." He winced clutching his ribs tightly.

"Easy mate." Liam steadied him.

"What happened?" Louis asked us.

Both Liam and I gave each other a look. "You tell us mate." Liam said turning back to him.

"Us?" Louis asked. "You two are an 'us' now?"

"No. We're not anything." I said quickly, Liam looked at me but didn't speak, then turned back to Louis.

"Just tell us what happened." He said finally.

"She knows?" He asked Liam talking about me without hesitation.

"Enough." Liam answered with a shrug.

"Jesus, I'm not going anywhere so you might as well spit it out." I snapped rudely at him. Louis looked at me then to Liam who just sat there with no expression on his face.

"Fine, but if you know what's good for you you'd be hitting the door love." Louis warned me.

Liam rolled his eyes. "Get on with it."

"Ok, ok!" Louis huffed. "Let's start from the beginning then."

Both Liam and I sat in silence as he spoke. "It started to get bad about a week ago. Trey got real dunk one night and Dani ended up on the wrong end of his fist that night. He beat the shit out of her for no reason other than he's an asshole."

I looked over at Liam who's knuckles had gone white from his death grip on the back out the chair. He looked like the hulk was going to explode out of his chest at any moment. Louis continued. "I couldn't handle it anymore. So I jumped him from behind and started clobbering him. If his bitch, Harrison, hadn't jumped in to defend him sure I woulda killed him."

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