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"Liam." she greeted him softly. They both watched each other from across the room. Liam dropped the bat and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to go." She confessed quietly into his jacket collar.

I felt a pang of jealousy rise up inside me watching them hug each other. "I'm glad your safe." Liam said tucking her hair behind her ears and held her face in his hands their noses close together. I coughed behind him reminding them I was still there. "Danielle, this is Emma." Liam introduced us.

"Pleasure to meet you Emma. Sorry I didn't mean to ruin your date." She apologized and I relaxed slightly with her acknowledgment of Liam's and my relationship.

"It's no problem." I brushed it off as Liam flipped on the lights and shut his front door locking it behind him.

"So what're you doing here?" Liam asked sitting down on the couch beside her.

"I've been on the run from Trey for a while now. Staying low, hiding in abandoned places for a day then moving on, I've been trying to make it here since I saw that video of you Louis showed me."

"That was months ago." Liam said astonished.

"After Louis showed me that video I wanted to leave with him right away, I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice, but Trey had other plans." She spoke quietly.

"Louis told us he beat you." I whispered.

She nodded her head sadly. "Trey isn't the most tender boyfriend, I'd often come away with bruises and cuts, but he was drunk that night and he was mad."

"Mad about what?" Liam asked.

"You. His guys had just told him that they couldn't find you. They've been looking all this time. I must have seemed pleased at this information and it set him off."

"He's been looking for me all this time?" Liam asked genuinely shocked. I scanned the windows wondering if they were watching us now. "I don't understand why? He had you, I lost you, he won."

"You don't just leave Liam, I mean, no one does." Dani answered. "How do you think he is going to react? If he just let you leave, on your own terms with no repercussions then what's to stop the next guy from leaving?"

"No repercussions?" Liam hissed his eyes shooting daggers at her, I crossed back to him taking his hand in mine to calm him down. "What was my dad then?"

Dani lowered her head. "I'm so sorry, I'd heard about your fathers death after. I never thought Trey would do such a thing."

"He killed him in cold blood." I squeezed Liam's hand as he glanced my direction with sad eyes.

"I can't imagine how you must have felt going home that night."

"I wanted to flee as soon as I heard that news, but I was scared before, and now I knew he was not opposed to murder."

"So you stayed, with a murderer." Liam snarled angrily.

"Li," I whispered trying to soothe him.

"I regret it, not going with you it is still the biggest mistake of my life, but I can't take it back. I stayed and after you left I'd found solace with Louis." She said quickly trying to avoid Liam's gaze.

"I already know about you and Louis." Liam sighed. "I'm not in love with you Dani, you don't have to worry about breaking my heart, you did that years ago."

She looked at him deciding if she wanted to argue but decided better of it and continued on. "When Louis showed me that tape of you I knew you made it out safely, so I felt like this was Louis' and my turn."

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now