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I felt bad. First for Andy, I know that Casey is his whole life and if she'd cheated on him that would crush him. Then I felt bad for Casey; she deserved the benefit of the doubt, maybe I had heard it wrong or taken it out of context, after all it was only a short conversation. Then, I felt bad for me. I was once a victim of cheating and it killed me. Now here I was again stuck in the middle of hating my friend and wondering if I should out her dirty laundry on the day of her wedding.

I was up earlier than everyone in the house, probably because I hadn't gone to bed at all, but I couldn't stop playing worst case scenario in my mind. I needed to talk to her, I thought, first before I let my mind wander any further. I texted her reminding her of our pedicure appointments in an hour then I got up and left Harry lying asleep in my bed.

Showering quickly I made my way to the kitchen after dressing in a simple t-shirt and jean shorts. It was hot out for May but I craved the heat since I'd gotten back state side. I walked into the salon and Casey, and the rest of her bridesmaids were picking out their polish choices. "Hey!" Casey greeted me happily with a hug. I tired not to act weird but all I could think of was the conversation I'd overheard last night.

They started our appointment and luckily I sat next to Casey, but there was a bit of a gap dividing us from the rest of the girls. "I have to tell you something?" I whispered.

"Is it about Harry because he is a dream boat! I approve." She gushed.

"No, it's about you. I over heard you talking to someone last night." I told her. She looked concerned but plastered that perfect smile back on her face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She lied.

"Don't. Please don't lie to me. I overheard you talking to someone." I repeated.

"Someone?" She asked me.

"I didn't see who. It was dark, but I didn't need to know who you were talking too."

"What does that mean?" Casey asked.

"Just tell me. Did you?"

"Did I what?" She snapped. I didn't answer right away. Realization came across her features. "If you're asking what I think you are Emma, you better think twice."

"I know what I heard."

"No, you don't." Casey argued.

"Casey if you think I'm just going to drop this I'm not." I snarled. We were getting weird looks from the staff but they just kept cleaning our feet oddly stuck listening to us but acting like they weren't.

"I didn't fucking cheat!" She snarled with clenched teeth.

"Then what was that conversation?"

"Its nothing Emma. It doesn't concern you."

"I'm your best friend! We have never kept secrets from each other before."

"I'm trying to be your friend."

"You sure have a hell of a way of showing it."

"I saw what happened to you when Ian cheated. I love Andy! I could never do that to him. For Christ's sake it's my wedding day!"

"Just tell me who that was you were talking to." I sigh.

"I can't." She huffed.


"Jesus, can't you just drop this!" Casey whined.

"I'll drop it when you tell me."

"Fine. I'll tell you. But you're not going to like it."

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now