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"Chicken noodle soup." Harry answered getting off the couch and putting his pants back on. He walked back to the kitchen and washed his hands before returning to the large pot that was sitting on the burner. "Homemade, it's my mums recipe."

I lazily got off the couch slipping his clothes back on. "I'm impressed." I meandered over to the kitchen keeping my distance, I wasn't upset by what we just did but I wasn't very keen to keep falling into Harry's bed, or couch, with every meeting. As much as I enjoyed myself, it wasn't fair to him, or Liam, to keep leading them both on. I wasn't going to be like Ian, not if I could help it.

"You should be." Harry replied with a smile. He spooned a bowl of his homemade soup for me handing me the bowl and a spoon. "Shit." He said as he looked into the fridge.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm out of milk." He shook the empty container. "You don't have any do you?" he asked.

"If I do, it's sour. I haven't gone shopping since we've gotten back."

"Damn, this soup is a million times better with a glass of ice cold milk. I'm going to run to the shop down the block, I'll be right back." He scooped up his keys from the counter and pulled his shoes on searching for a shirt.

"Harry do you have to go?" I asked. He smiled and leaned over to kiss me.

"I'll be right back, put your soup back on the burner so it stays warm and I'll only be a few minutes." I sighed as he ran out of the apartment quickly. I dipped my finger into the soup tasting it, it was really good.

I passed the time wandering around Harry's apartment looking at his belongings. His apartment was very modern and sleek, nothing out of place, hardly anything extra. I scanned the book shelves reading all the titles of his collection, many of them I'd never heard of, I worked my way around the room.

An industrial locker caught my attention at the far end of the room I stepped toward it allowing my curiosity to get the better of me. I tired the handle but it was locked. I moved to the next door, that one was locked too. The last one opened, however. I looked inside seeing news paper clippings and file folders, it was like a file cabinet. I glanced back to the door checking to see if Harry was close, but there was no sound in the hall, I still had time to snoop.

Reaching into the files I pulled out the clippings: "Gang Members Suspected of Factory Workers Death" was the first headline and below was a picture of Liam. My hands were shaking as I looked through each newspaper each one related to Liam's past. The last one showing a picture of Liam sitting on a front porch a lifeless body in his lap as he cried over it.

I heard the ping of the lift opening as I scrambled to put the papers back shutting the door and running back to the couch just as Harry opened the door. "Hey Em, I'm back." He smiled holding up a carton of milk. "With the milk." I smiled at him as he came inside pouring me a glass and giving me a fresh bowl of the soup.

"Everything ok?" He asked as I gulped down the soup avoiding his eyes. I shook my head sighing.

"Sorry, I'm just tired. I think I might have caught a cold from all the rain this afternoon." I told him trying to act casually. Trying to act as if I didn't just stumble upon those clippings.

"We can't have that, eat up, chicken noodle soup always makes me feel better." Harry smiled nicely as I nodded spooning myself another bite wondering what Harry's interest in Liam's past was.

I ate dinner fast then, much to Harry's displeasure, I went home skirting my way across the hall after I'd changed quickly back into my work close. The last thing I wanted was to be caught in Harry's dress shirt with nothing else on in a walk of shame back to my place. I unlocked my door stepping inside before re-locking it behind me.

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