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"He's alive." Liam answered me rubbing my back reassuringly.

"But if we don't do something to save him he will get hurt." Danielle said wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Ok, what's the plan then?" I asked clapping my hands together.

"Plan?" Liam asked. "Emma we can't do anything stupid. Trey is psychotic if he is suspecting anything we're all going down. Even if we do manage to get some plan together and we get it to work he is going to come at us with more that we can even imagine."

"I'm with Liam." Niall piped up. "Maybe the authorities should take care of this."

"You can't be serious?" I asked both of them. "If it was me?" I turned asking Liam.

"It's not." He snapped.

"But if it was?" I asked again.

"He killed my father." he whispered sadly. "I'm not giving him the chance to do that to you."

I stepped forward pressing my forehead against his and looking into his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere Li. But you have to save your friend, he needs you now."

"Fuck it. I'm in." Zayn spoke up from the window seat he was propped up on.

"Guys, seriously?" Niall argued. "This is a guy who has already committed murder at least once! What is to stop him from doing that to each of us given the chance?"

"Then we don't give him the chance." Liam answered with a gravely voice. "They're right. If we don't act now Louis will get hurt."

"Louis is getting rescued." Danielle announced.

I leaned over to Liam kissing him quickly on the lips before anyone else noticed. "Thank you." I whispered in his ear.

"Love you." He whispered back.

The four of us sat down at the coffee table starting to piece together a plan to rescue Louis, Niall observing us, but not helping.

"So we're all in agreement?" Danielle asked after sometime.

"That this plan is stupid?" Niall piped up from the chair across the room.

"Niall." Liam scolded.

"Liam and Emma will go to the cabin. Zayn, myself, and Niall will get Louis. And meet y'all there." Danielle spoke ignoring Niall.

"I don't see why I can't help too." Liam spoke.

"Trey and Harrison know what you look like." I said. "You going is a risk."

"Yes, but Louis doesn't know he can trust Zayn or Niall." Liam pointed out.

"That's why I'm going." Danielle answered.

"You're even more of a risk than I am. If Trey sees you at all then you're done for." Liam argued.

"He won't see me!" She snarled back.

"I could go, Louis knows me." I suggested.

Liam shook his head vigorously. "Absolutely not, I'm not letting you go anywhere near Trey ever."

"Liam," I started but he jumped in to interrupt me.

"Fine. Emma and I will go to the cabin and wait for y'all."

"Maybe you two should have some protection. Isn't that Harry guy a security bloke?" Niall suggested.

"Not happening." Liam snapped.

"Erm, yea, Niall we should be fine without any protection." I spoke trying to avoid ending up with both Harry and Liam in an isolated mountain cabin.

Capture  (A Liam AU)Where stories live. Discover now