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Another day of seokjin coming home late.

Another day of namjoon seeing hickeys on his neck.

Another day of namjoon being able to smell cologne on his boyfriend's clothes. Cologne that's not his.

Another day of Seokjin ignoring Namjoon.

Another day of Namjoon not knowing what he did to ever deserve this treatment.

Namjoon was sitting on the couch in his and seokjin's shared apartment, when he heard Seokjin come in. He got up to greet his boyfriend at the door. He stopped once he saw the hickeys on seokjin's neck. He looked like he tried to cover them but it was a lot so it was no use.

The sight, once again, pulled at namjoon's heart.

He and Seokjin have been together for the past two years now. A year ago is when all of this started.

Seokjin would come home and ignore him. He would come home smelling like cologne that Namjoon knew he didn't own. He wouldn't touch Namjoon anymore. He wouldn't even kiss him. He barely wanted to hug him. His heart just turned as cold as ice towards Namjoon.

Namjoon didn't have a clue as to why.

He still stay with seokjin because seokjin is all he know.

Seokjin is his first boyfriend. His first relationship. His first kiss. His first love. He even lost his virginity to seokjin. He loved seokjin so much so he stayed. But he's getting real tired of this.

"hi jinnie!" Namjoon said with a smile on his face. The smile dropped when seokjin just walked past him and into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him.

Namjoon sighed and went to sit back on the couch.

All of this is making him angry, sad, hurt, irritated, frustrated, and confused. He's done nothing but be good to seokjin but yet he's getting treated so badly by him.

30 minutes later, seokjin came out of the bathroom with some shorts and a plain black shirt on. His hair was wet and he had the towel wrapped around his shoulders. He walked into the kitchen and looked in the fridge for something to eat.

Namjoon watched his every move, still wanting to see if he was gonna speak to him.

Nothing ever came though.

Namjoon got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. He looked at seokjin who was currently making ramen.

"am i fucking invisible now?" Namjoon asked with anger laced in his voice. He's so tired of seokjin being so damn childish.

"What're you talking about? I saw you when I came in." Seokjin say nonchalantly.

"I spoke to you and you just walked past me as if i wasn't there.."
"I had nothing to say."
"ok but I'm your boyfriend.. why're you treating me like this?" Namjoon asked, his voice cracking a little at the end.

Seokjin just sighed. He was getting annoyed with Namjoon.

"Namjoon, I don't have time for this right now so just leave me alone."
"no, we're talking about this right now. what have i ever done to deserve this treatment from you? You treat me like I'm just some random person whom you've never met. I don't deserve this seokjin, i don't deserve none of this-"

"My god namjoon, just shut up! you're annoying me! I've had a long night already and I'm tired, why can't you leave me alone like I asked?!" seokjin say, shouting a little which caused Namjoon to flinch.

"I bet you did have a long night.. a long night of cheating!" Namjoon say. "I'm not stupid seokjin. I know you've been cheating on me.. you come into this house every night with different hickeys and different smells of cologne and perfume that i don't own or you.. why seokjin, just why?" Namjoon say, eyes watering.

"because, I don't love you anymore!" Seokjin said.

Namjoon gasped.
His heart dropped.
He didn't mean that right?
No, this has to be some kind of joke.

"y-you're not serious right? please tell me you're joking... please jinnie.." Namjoon asked, desperately.

"I'm not joking. I don't have feelings for you anymore.. I did two years ago but I've changed and I just don't feel the same anymore."

"w-why cheat on me though? y-you could've just told me.. i-i would've left you alone... you... you just.." Namjoon couldn't speak. He was choking up on his words. Tears running down his face. "jinnie, what did i ever do wrong? I've done nothing but love you. I've always tried to be the best me i can be for you.. you know how much you mean to me.. you know what, never mind. I'm so tired of this game with you seokjin." Namjoon say, wiping the tears out of his eyes.

As if a switch went off, his whole face changed. He's done playing games with seokjin. He's done crying over this piece of shit.

"fuck you seokjin. you played with my heart and my feelings and i promise you, you're gonna regret it." Namjoon walked past him, bumping him purposely and hard causing Seokjin to stumble a little.

He went into their shared bedroom and grabbed his duffel bag and threw random clothes in it. After packing majority of his stuff in his duffel bag, he walked back out into the kitchen, where seokjin was now eating the ramen he made.

Seokjin looked as if he didn't care.

That made Namjoon angrier.

He smacked the bowl of ramen out of his hand and watched the food fly across the floor.

"what the fuck namjoon!" seokjin said. Some of the ramen got on him.

"i can't believe you can just sit here as if you don't even care. you're a piece of shit. I'll make you regret ever doing this me you bitch!" Namjoon said, face red from anger. He wanted to be a bit more petty.

So he grabbed the cup full of wine and threw in seokjin's face.

Then walked out of the apartment, slamming the door.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't sad. Seokjin was his everything but he's not doing this with Seokjin anymore.

Fuck seokjin.

He's gonna make Seokjin ever regret playing with his feelings.

since i already have the first few chapters done, why wait to post them?! lol anyways, the chapters will be a little shorter than what i usually do and i don't know how long this story will be but i hope y'all like it!!

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