thirty two.

780 37 4

double update bc why not❤️

"we should have a get together joonie, what you think?" seokjin asked as they say in the living room of their apartment.

it's been a week since they saw the beautiful home.

namjoon had to go somewhere the other day which gave seokjin the perfect opportunity to go back to the house they saw.
luckily, the owners were still holding an open house for it.
seokjin had came to an agreement with the lovely couple...


seokjin walked inside and was immediately met with the same middle aged couple from last time.
the husband was the first to spot seokjin and mentioned for his wife to turn around.
"oh! hi.. wait, i remember you! you were here last week with your boyfriend right?" the lady asked and seokjin smiled and nodded.

"yes that's me"
"where is he? is he ok?" she asked.
"yes he's doing fine.. he's kinda bummed about the house though" seokjin say chuckling.

"yeah, i know, i saw it all in his face last week when y'all left.. I'll let you in on a secret.. we held off from selling the house because me and my husband both had a feeling that one of y'all would've been back soon" the lady said and her husband nodded.

seokjin gasped.
"wait.. so y'all didn't sell the house because y'all had a feeling one of us would've came back?"
"yes, i just said that honey, keep up" the lady say, laughing.

seokjin rush over and hug the woman tightly. she hug him back while giggling.
"thank you, thank you, thank you so much! this will make namjoon so happy!"
"how is he? namjoon?" she ask and seokjin look at her confused.

"he's good.. you asked that already though, why ask again?"
"because.. i want to check up on my nephew.." she say.

"NO WAY! you're namjoon's aunt?!" seokjin shout and the lady nod her head.
"yes i am.. i knew i knew his face when i saw him last week.. the last time i saw him was almost ten years ago before me and my husband moved to japan.. when i heard about my sister dying, i knew i had to come back for namjoon.. i knew my little joonie wouldn't of been strong enough to handle that all on his own but when we got here, i couldn't find him.. my husband and i looked all over, we never stopped looking, up until last week when he just so happened to show up at a house that my husband and i are selling.. i just knew his face was so familiar. after y'all left, i went on facebook and searched up kim namjoon and sure enough, his face popped up.. it was a picture of you and him..

i only recognized you because once before my sister died, she had called me telling me about how namjoon found the perfect boyfriend and his name was seokjin.. she was so happy that namjoon had finally found someone and wouldn't be alone..

namjoon forgot about me and it's all my fault.. i should've never left him alone.. especially after our god awful family hated him because he wanted to love who he loved.. i hate my family. they shamed him for being gay and shamed my sister for not kicking him out after he came out.. i wish i was here to do more for them and be able to protect them but I'm here now and i don't ever plan on leaving my namjoonie again." namjoon's aunt said, shedding a few tears.

"I'm sure namjoon would be so happy to know that he still has family who loves him and he'll be happy to know that you looked for him.. this is so exciting!" seokjin said, happily.

"yes, now let's get down to business about this house! last time y'all were here, the price was all of $350,000 in total, because it's for you and my nephew, I'm dropping the price down to $250,000.. is that ok or do i need to go lower?" she asked and seokjin gasped.

"no no, you don't have to do that! I'm perfectly fine with paying the full amount-"
"seokjin, sweetie, when someone is offering to lower pricing, you just be quiet and accept it ok?" she asked and seokjin sighed and nodded.

"$250,000 is fine ma'am.."
"oh please, call me aunty or amelia.. and ok! let's get started on the paper work and then everything will be all y'all's!"
"ok but.. can we keep this a secret from namjoon? for right now at least? i know you want to meet him but i plan on proposing to him and i want to do it the same day we move in here.."

amelia squealed after hearing that. they agreed to keeping everything a secret for right now.

-𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒇𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌-

"why're we having a get together?" namjoon asked chuckling.
"i don't know, i thought it would be a good idea to see our friends and hangout with them" seokjin said as he shrugged. he was lying. he needed to talk to jimin and ask for his help without namjoon getting suspicious of him.

seokjin had one more meeting with namjoon's aunt tomorrow and then everything would be done and he would have the keys for them to move in.
he's so happy.
and he knows that once he tell namjoon, namjoon is gonna be happy about the house too.

he's extra nervous though because he plan on proposing to namjoon and he don't know what namjoon will say.
he's trusting his gut and his heart though. he hopes namjoon will say yes.

he couldn't wait to call namjoon his fiancé and then his husband.

"ok, but can i invite jackson and mark? i haven't seen them in a while now.." namjoon say.
"of course you can baby, you don't have to ask.."

seokjin's plan was going perfectly so far.

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