twenty one.

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~may be some errors!~

seokjin walked back into his apartment, his eyes red and puffy from how much he'd been crying.
once he walked in, he saw namjoon hugging his blue koala plushie, koya, and jin's alpaca plushie, RJ.
he was crying.

jin rushed over to namjoon, sitting down next to him and pulling him into a hug.
he let namjoon cry into his shirt.

jin even cried himself, hearing namjoon's heartbroken sobs. it made his heart hurt. he couldn't help but blame himself.
he's the cause behind all of namjoon's pain.
it's all his fault.

"joonie.. I'm r-really sorry... i know you may not want to hear this anymore but it's the truth.. i may not ever be able to explain in words how sorry i am so.. i hope you'd be willing to let me show you.. i really want to be with you again namjoon.. i know that i fucked up bad but it's the truth joonie.. this may not be the best time to say these things but it's how i feel.. if you don't want to give me a chance, please tell me and i promise I'll leave you alone for good.." jin said.

namjoon shook his head. he accepted the fact that he still wants to be with seokjin, he's just scared.
"i-i do want to be with you still hyung.. I'm just... I'm scared.. what you did the first time really hurt me and scarred me hyung.. i can't go through that again and i won't.."

"i understand that namjoon.. i won't put you through that again and if i ever do, you have every right to leave me and never talk to me again.." jin say as they pull away from the hug

"if, IF, i give you a second chance.. know that this is the last time I'm ever allowing you to fuck with me seokjin.. i won't tolerate you ignoring me, being mean to me for no reason, cheating, any of it.. i may have let it slide this time but if it ever happen again, you won't live to see the next day.. i can promise you that. I'm so tired of getting hurt by you and I'm not putting myself through that again."

it made seokjin feel bad, hearing namjoon talk like that. he really hurt namjoon and he know it's gonna take a long time to make up for it.
"i understand joonie.. please allow me to show you that my intentions are good and you're the only one i want namjoon."

"sorry but you're gonna have to understand that i don't fully 100% trust you right now seokjin. I've heard that from you before and look where we're at.. it's gonna take a while for me to fully trust you and i hope you understand that."

"i do.. i really do.."
"ok.. please, please, please, seokjin... please don't break my heart again."
"i promise that I'll try not to.. i can't say that i won't because I'm such a fuck up that i don't even know anymore.. but please baby, know that I'm really trying.."

namjoon blushed and looked away.
he haven't heard seokjin call him 'baby' in a long time and hearing it made his heart flutter.

"i understand.. and know that I'm trying to trust you." namjoon say and seokjin nod. "so.. what do we do now?" joon asked.
"whatever you want to do baby.."
"can.. can we cuddle?"
"of course!"

they got up off the couch and made their way to their room.
seokjin walked to the guest bedroom, where namjoon had been sleeping but he stopped when he didn't feel namjoon following him.
he looked back and saw that namjoon was standing in front of the room they once shared, holding both of their plushies.

"what're you doing?" namjoon asked.
"i thought you'd want to be in the guest room still.."
"no... i want to be in our room."

hearing namjoon say 'our room' made jin's heart swell with so much love.
he smiled and went inside of their room, namjoon following. namjoon say on the bed, waiting for jin to make the first move. he was nervous. they haven't been close to each other for a while so this is kinda like the first time they cuddled all over again.

jin took his shirt off and then his pants. namjoon blushed. jin stopped what he was doing and look at namjoon.
"umm.. do you want to cuddle like this? i know you used to hate cuddling with clothes on so.. tell me if you don't and I'll put my clothes back on."
"it's fine hyung.. I'm still the same way.. you know how uncomfortable cuddling with clothes makes me feel.." namjoon say with a giggle.

jin smiled and nodded.
namjoon followed and took his clothes off as well.
jin climbed into bed, laying down and namjoon followed, laying next to jin. he rested his head on jin's chest and wrapped his arms around his torso.
seokjin wrapped his arms around namjoon's shoulders, pulling him closer.

both boys sighed, feeling content and warmth.
seokjin kissed namjoon's forehead and namjoon blushed, with a small smile creeping on his face.

"i really miss this hyung.."
"me too joonie, me too."

my heart🥺 this chapter was emotional to me!
we're finally getting some cute and fluffy namjin moments!

this book should be ending around chapter 30 or 35 I'm not sure yet!💜

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