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~unedited so sorry if there's any mistakes!~

a week later, namjoon is tired of paying for his hotel room.

he's been staying at the hotel now because he don't have no family or friends to call. he could've stayed with jungkook but they weren't really close friends to begin with.

namjoon only knew jungkook because jungkook tried to sleep with him a year ago. they did keep in contact with each other but they didn't really talk much.

the last time they talked was a few months before namjoon had sex with him.

ever since a year ago, jungkook has been trying to have sex with namjoon which is why they didn't talk because namjoon knew jin didn't like him. so to show jin that namjoon took no interest in jungkook, he stopped talking to him. 

until last week..

last week was the first time he contacted jungkook in a while. they agreed to meet up which is how namjoon ended up at his apartment. if you read the last chapter then you already know what happened.

the apartment him and jin lived in was both of theirs. it had both jin's and his name on it.

he just didn't want to stay there with jin.

when it comes to jin, namjoon know how he is. he'll end up missing jin and realize how much he still love him and just take jin back.

luckily, he has money in his bank account.

before his mother passed, she had left a large sum of money into his bank account. so that's how he's been living lately and he hates it.

the money his mother left was supposed to be used for something else. not because he's paying for a hotel room every week.

sighing, namjoon get up out of bed and take a quick shower. he throw some sweatpants and a hoodie on, then his shoes. grabbing his phone and bag, namjoon head out of the room and out of the hotel building.

now, he's just walking down the street, looking up at the tall buildings, the busy people walking by, the cars, people selling their stuff on stands, and etc.

he's now walking through a park, looking at the beautiful trees. he loves trees so much. he looks at all of the pretty leaves on the branches. all different colors. some green, some yellow, some red, some orange.

but one leaf caught his eye..

the leaf was dried up and it looked like it was dying. as if on cue, the leaf fell off of the tree and landed right in front of him.

he compared himself to the leaf.

a leaf that was once with all of the other leaves, now dead, fallen alone on the ground where nobody is ever gonna pick it up. it'll just blow away with the wind and be forgotten about.

just like namjoon.

namjoon was that leaf. he was high on the branch. he had everything. his happiness. he had the only person he ever needed. his lover and best friend.

but eventually, just like the leaf, he fell and was soon forgotten.

but not by namjoon. namjoon picked the leaf up and carefully put it into his pocket.

"let's be alone together, at least we have each other.." he said, quietly talking to the leaf that's now in his pocket.

later on that night, namjoon decided to go back to his and jin's apartment.

he couldn't keep paying for that hotel room. it was only gonna take money out of his bank account every week. money that he was trying to save for something.

it already hurt him that he took it out. he made a promise to his mother and he intends to keep that promise, so no more hotel rooms.

he didn't want to go back to his apartment but he had nowhere else to go.

he knocked on the door. he had left his key when he stormed out that day.

a few minutes later, the person he didn't want to see anymore, was now standing in front of him with a shocked expression. namjoon's heart skipped a beat.

he hated himself for it. he felt so weak and useless.

"i-i only came here because i can't keep spending money on a hotel room and this is my apartment too.." namjoon say, not making eye contact with seokjin.
"yeah.. um.. come inside, it's getting kinda chilly out."

namjoon nodded and walked inside. the apartment still looked the same. jin didn't change anything.

namjoon walked in some more and was met with a woman sitting on the couch. his heart dropped. did he really mean that little to jin that he just replaced him that fast?

"oh... i-i'm sorry for interrupting..." namjoon spoke.
"it's ok." jin said.
"i-i'll leave you two alone.." namjoon say, eyes watering.

he made his way to the guest room and sat his bag on the bed. he stood there, looking lost. he pulled the leaf out of his pocket and sat it on the dresser. he smiled sadly at the leaf, tears rolling down his face.

"i guess we really are alone now."

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