twenty seven.

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AN: hey guys! so i have another namjin book that I'm working on right now! It's called 'Love Unconditional'. If you guys are interested, I'll post the intro and first chapter some time this week! it's a top namjoon and bottom jin story if that matters lol❤️

seokjin and jimin sat in the guest bedroom. jin had woken up the next morning, with a smile on his face, remembering the night before.

him and namjoon are a couple again.
it might not have been as good as they were before but seokjin was still happy to have his baby back.
he was happy that namjoon even gave him a second chance after all the shit he did.

he was lucky.

now, here seokjin is, sitting with jimin.
he needed to talk to jimin about what he heard yesterday. he knew it wasn't gonna be easy but he still needed to do it.

so that's what the two did.
they talked. jimin had told him everything he told namjoon yesterday. he even shed a few tears.

"chim, why didn't you tell me?"
"because... the time i did want to tell you, i found out about you and namjoon.. even though y'all were having problems back then, i could tell by your voice that you still loved him.. as i once said to you before.. I'm not a home wrecker hyung.. and i wasn't gonna start being one. besides, you would've never liked me back anyways so it was no point in telling you back then.."

"jimin.. I'm really sorry... i know i told you back then that i regret what we did but if I'm being honest, i don't regret it at all.. i don't regret it because i made a good friend out of it.. it may not be what you want and I'm sorry that i can't give you what you want, but I'm really glad that me and you are friends"

jimin nodded as a few more tears ran down his face.
"y-yes.. I'm glad we're friends too"

they smiled at each other and seokjin pulled jimin into a hug. jimin hugged him back, tightly.
it may not be what jimin want but he's happy that him and seokjin are still friends.
he's happy that he still has his favorite hyung.

"how're you and namjoon? i heard y'all talking last night.. i expected to hear some moaning after y'all made up" jimin say, giggling. seokjin chuckle.

as much as he would love to have namjoon moaning and screaming his name like how he used to, he figured they'll take things slow this time.
sex isn't important to him..
being with his joonie was the only important thing.
making sure his joonie was happy.

"nah.. no sex.. we just cuddled.. chim i really missed him so much. I'm really happy that he decided to give us a second chance.. i don't know what i would've done if he didn't.. i know i fucked up so badly and that'll always eat me up but I'll do whatever i can to make up for it and make him happy.."

"that's good hyung.. namjoon is a really good person and he deserves nothing but love and kindness.. don't hurt him again because if you do, you'll have to deal with me too.." jimin say and seokjin throw his hands up in surrender.

"i promise i won't... what about you though chim?.. we need to find you someone"
"I'm ok.. i don't think I'm ready to put myself out there again.. i just need to focus on myself and finding a new job so i don't have to be in yours and namjoon hyung's way"

"you know you don't have to leave.. me and joonie don't think you're in our way.."

they're interrupted by a knock on the door. they turn to see namjoon peaking his head in.
"is everything ok?"
"yes baby, everything is fine.. i was just talking to jimin.. come here." seokjin say, patting his lap.

namjoon walk in and sit in between jin's legs, resting his back against seokjin's chest. seokjin wrap his arms around namjoon's waist, kissing the top of his head.
"aish, you guys are so cute!" jimin said. he's actually genuinely happy that seokjin and namjoon are happy. he doesn't feel pain or anything seeing them being so domestic, he's just.. happy for them.

namjoon blush and giggle.
"joonie.. tell jimin that he doesn't have to leave and that he's not in our way" seokjin say.
"wait, you're leaving?"
"well, not yet.. i have to find a job first.." jimin say.
"you don't have to leave jimin.. I'm perfectly fine with you staying here for however long you need to"

jimin smiled and nodded. he was grateful for both namjoon and seokjin.
things didn't start out great for them but he could tell things would be much better. they'll be the best of friends in the future.

also, just from the way seokjin and namjoon were now, jimin could tell that they would be ok in the future.
they looked as if they were made for each other.

jimin was truly happy that they were together and ok.
it may not be perfect right now but they're still together and that made jimin happy to see.

things have been a little crazy to be honest, but jimin knew that no matter what, namjoon and seokjin were forever inseparable no matter how hard they tried to get away from each other.

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