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jackson ended up leaving the event early to give namjoon what he wanted.
no it wasn't sex.

the two just cuddled together.

"how'd the event go? i mean you left early but you still was there for a while so.." namjoon asked, rubbing circles on jackson's chest.
"it was good.. i don't usually go to those events but this one was mandatory so.. i made a new friend though!"

"yeah, his name is mark."

jackson and mark had met at the company event. they were soon to be business partners so it was only right for them to finally meet.
jackson would be lying if he said he wasn't drawn to the man instantly.

mark was very beautiful to jackson but in a sense, it felt wrong to be even thinking of mark like that since he and namjoon were working to become official.

"that's cool! I'm glad the event went good.. I'm sorry for making you leave early though.."
"aish, it's fine.. it was boring anyways"

the two talked more about any and everything that came to mind. namjoon really liked hanging out with jackson whenever they had the chance.
it was now a little after ten o'clock and the two were sitting in the living room eating pizza while watching movies.

the two were interrupted when they heard the front door open.

seokjin walked in, looking tired, and kicked his shoes off at the door.
he walked in further and saw namjoon and jackson in the living room.
"oh, hey guys"
"hey jin" both boys said at the same time. "umm.. there's extra pizza over here if you want any.." namjoon said.

jin smiled and sat down across from the two. jackson handed the pizza box over to jin and he started eating some.
they watched the movie that was playing(pitch perfect) in silence. the two occasionally laughing and talking amongst themselves.

seokjin glanced at them a few times, seeing them smiling at each other, giggling, cuddling, giving light kisses here and there, and the sight hurt jin's heart.
he tried focusing on the movie but he just couldn't take his eyes off the two across from him.

he knew he had to get away when he felt his eyes watering.
he stood up, causing the two males to look at him.
"I'm.. g-getting tired, goodnight guys"
"goodnight.." both males said.

jin walked to the kitchen, putting the pizza in the fridge, and then made his way to his room. he sighed and plopped down on his bed.

looking over at the picture of him and namjoon on their first date, he smiled remembering that day like it was yesterday.

him and namjoon had went out on a date and ended up running into yoongi and hoseok who was also on a date so they just made it a double date.

they wore casual clothes because the date wasn't exactly a extra serious date.
it was more of a "i feel like taking you out on a date so why not!" date.
they were already outside so jin just called it a date. by the end of the date, yoongi ended up taking pictures for them and that's how they got the picture that seokjin is looking at now.

 by the end of the date, yoongi ended up taking pictures for them and that's how they got the picture that seokjin is looking at now

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that was one of the best days in seokjin's life.
seokjin really hates the fact that he did namjoon so wrong.
if he could go back in time and change things, he would do it in a heartbeat.

"do you think he's ok?" namjoon asked jackson after jin had said he was going to bed and left to his room.

namjoon saw the look in jin's eyes.
he saw nothing but hurt and pain.
"i... honestly don't know.. he kinda looked sad to me" jackson say.
"yeah, i know..."

jackson wasn't blind.
he noticed the tone in namjoon's voice. he noticed the look in namjoon's eyes.
his voice was full of nothing but worry, concern, and... love.
his eyes showed nothing but worry, concern, and... once again, love.

he's come to the conclusion that maybe namjoon still has feelings for seokjin.
that does hurt him to think about because he really likes namjoon.
but if namjoon doesn't feel the same about him then there's nothing he can do but accept that.

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