twenty four.

972 53 18

~there may be some errors~

"is there anyone else that i should know about? if so, tell me now because I'm not dealing with random people that you fucked coming up to me at any time of the day.."

seokjin had explained who jimin was and they talked about everything. namjoon wasn't mad because like he said, he'd rather keep the past in the past.

"there is this one girl that i... y'know.. slept with.. but it was just a one night stand.. all she wanted me for was sex."
"so if she didn't just want you for sex, would you have gotten with her?"

seokjin doesn't say anything.
he don't necessarily know if he would've gotten with her.
she was a very beautiful woman but if they were to get together, seokjin figures that it wouldn't of lasted long.

"i... i-"
"it's not a hard question seokjin.."
"i don't know namjoon.. maybe.."
"at least you're being honest," namjoon sigh, "I'm going out.." he say as he get out of bed and throw some sweatpants and a black t shirt on and his shoes.

"where?" seokjin ask as he get up, following namjoon out of their room and into the living room.
"out seokjin.. am i not allowed to go out now? I'm not a child.. i don't need your permission"
"you're right.. I'm sorry.."

namjoon rolled his eyes and was about to walk out when a knock was heard on the door. they both looked at each other confused.
neither was expecting someone to come over today.

namjoon opened the door and was met with the same jimin guy from yesterday.
except this time, you can tell he'd been crying from how puffy and red his eyes are.
"I'm s-sorry to b-bother you.. but i-is seokjin hyung here?"

jin, recognizing that voice immediately, rushed over to the door and gasped as he saw jimin standing there, crying and looking bad.
"chim? what happened? omg come in!" jin say, pulling jimin inside, and closing the door.

he pulled jimin into a hug and let the boy breakdown, sobbing. he rubbed jimin's back, whispering sweet nothings to him.

namjoon watched and then walked away, going to the living room and sitting down on the couch.
watching seokjin rush to jimin's aid like that, made him feel hurt.
not only did he rush to check on him, he's still in his boxers.

only his boxers..

"why didn't you say anything chim?" seokjin asked, now fully clothed in some pajamas.

he saw the look namjoon gave him when he rushed to make sure jimin was ok.
he understands why namjoon would feel some type of way but at the end of the day, jimin is still his friend.

his friend just told him how he was being put out of his place because he couldn't keep up with the bills and everything.
his friend also told him how he had no one else to go to because seokjin was his only friend.

"i don't know... it's kinda e-embarrassing i guess.. and besides, you're with namjoon.. and given our history.. i didn't want to seem like me and you were up to something behind his back."

seokjin sighs.
namjoon is sitting there but he doesn't say anything. although jimin isn't his friend and he doesn't want to see jimin at all right now, he can't help but feel bad for him.

namjoon knows how it feels to have no one and to be alone.
"you can stay here.." seokjin suddenly say. that causes namjoon to look over at him like he's crazy.

"w-what? n-no.. i can't.. i don't want to be intruding in y'all's space.." jimin say.
"it's fine, you're not intruding, right namjoon?" seokjin ask, looking at namjoon with pleading eyes.

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