thirty four.

701 42 6

double update again bc i love y'all❤️
also, thanks for 3k reads!!!🥺

jungkook watched as jimin walked in the other bedroom of the apartment. he got confused as to why.
he thought jimin was coming home with him.

everyone had already left. well almost everyone. yoongi was still there. hobi left because he had to go to sleep. he has an early morning class at his dance studio.

jungkook walked to the room he saw jimin go in and knocked. he heard a small 'come in' and opened the door and then gently closed it behind him.
jimin turned around and saw that it was jungkook.
"o-oh, hey kookie.."
"hey.. you're not coming home?" jungkook asked.

"n-no... I'm spending the night here.. i missed seokjin and namjoon so" jimin said, lying.
"jimin, you're lying.. talk to me, what's going on.."

jimin sighed knowing he couldn't find a way fast enough to get out of this situation.
"you... you're what's going on.." jimin finally said.
"me? what did i do?"
"jungkook, I'm tired of this game with you.. me and you became close and.. and i fell for you.. i know i shouldn't of fell for you so fast but, you've been so kind and nice to me since the moment we met.. you cared for me, you cooked for me, you listened to me rant and let me cry on your shoulder.." jimin said taking jungkook by surprise.

"but, i don't know how long i can keep this up with you.. i told myself I'm not going through what i went through with seokjin again and yet here i am.. with you, the same thing happening except we didn't have sex...

kookie, i really like you but I'm tired of you leading me on.. i don't know if you like me or tae and it's really confusing me and messing with my head" jimin said.

"j-jimin.. I'm sorry... if I'm being honest, i like you too.. I'm just.. s-scared.. this isn't me jimin.. i don't do relationships or any of that stuff.. I'm used to just fucking around but yet, here i am, ready to risk all for you..

the situation with tae... I'll admit i do have feelings for him too.. everything is just confusing me." jungkook said frustrated.

all jungkook is used to is having sex with random guys or girls for the night and leaving them like nothing never happened and yet, here he is, having feelings for two guys he haven't even slept with.
he don't know what's going on.
"at first, it was just me and tae hanging out because i wanted to get rid of my feelings for you but they only grew stronger and i also started developing feelings for tae as well.." jungkook added.

jimin only nodded.
"well, whenever you figure things out, come talk to me.. I'm going to bed" jimin said as he climbed into bed, not worrying about his clothes that was still on.
"can i stay? please? i wanna be with you right now.."

jimin looked at jungkook with a shocked and confused look. he soon gave in though and nodded, allowing jungkook to take his clothes off- he only sleeps in his boxers- and climb into the bed with jimin.

they would usually cuddle but jimin didn't want to tonight. at least that's what he thought until he unconsciously snuggled up with kookie while he was asleep.

the next morning, seokjin was the first to wake up this time.
and once again, he woke up with morning wood. he was aching hard. he guessed it might've came from the way him and joonie was sleeping.

he's spooning namjoon from behind and his arms is wrapped around namjoon's waist. namjoon's ass was currently against his aching hard dick.

he tried to move but namjoon started to squirm in his sleep.
"w-where're you going jinnie?" namjoon asked, his eyes still closed. they opened up real fast though when he heard jin groan and felt something hard on his ass. "are you hard baby?" namjoon asked.

"y-yes, so please stop moving" seokjin said. namjoon smirked and started grinding his ass on seokjin's dick on purpose, loving the sounds of jin groaning.
"j-joonie I'm serious.. if you don't want me to fuck you, then stop.."
"that's the point seokjin... i want you to fuck me.. and besides, what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn't help my boyfriend get rid of his morning wood"

and that's how they ended up here, seokjin pounding into namjoon. namjoon was still laying on his side with seokjin holding one of his legs in the air as he thrusted into him.

seokjin didn't want to change positions because it would've been wasting too much time. he was horny and wanted to fuck now so.
"ahh yes! fuck me seokjin~" namjoon moaned.
"you like it don't you baby"
"yes, yes, yes! i love it! pl-please go faster~"

seokjin obeyed and picked up his pace, thrusting harder and faster into namjoon. namjoon reached down and started jerking himself off, matching seokjin's pace.
"fuck I-I'm clos- AHH FUCK~" namjoon moaned as he came all over the bedsheets.

not too long after, a few hard thrusts later, seokjin was cumming inside of namjoon with a groan.
he turned namjoon's head and connected their lips, kissing him, as they rode out their orgasms.
he then pulled out causing namjoon to whimper.

"i love you namjoon"
"i love you too.. we should take a shower and get breakfast. I'm hungry now" namjoon say and seokjin chuckle.

after their shower, they made their way into the kitchen where they was met with jimin and jungkook already sitting at the table.
"you two had fun this morning" jimin said, smirking at Namjoon who only blushed.

"i totally forgot you was here chim! sorry you had to hear that" seokjin say.
"it's ok, maybe next time, y'all will let us join" jungkook say. seokjin glare at him and jungkook throw his hands up in surrender, "what?! you act like all four of us haven't fucked each other before" jungkook said nonchalantly as if it didn't matter.

"all four of us haven't fucked each other before.. i fucked jimin and namjoon, you fucked namjoon and maybe jimin but me and you? we never fucked.." jin say, shrugging his shoulders.
"yeah, that's cuz you're a top and so am i.. I'm not bottoming for you"
"and I'm not bottoming for you.. i could most definitely turn you into a bottom or at least a switch if i wanted to though.." seokjin said.

jimin and namjoon just looked at each other.
they got a kick out of watching the two bicker and argue.

"namjoon please let us have one night together so he can see that i can turn HIM into a bottom" jungkook said.
"um.. yeah no.. seokjin is mine and mine only so sorry" namjoon said and jungkook sighed, "maybe some time in the future though"

jungkook smirked and looked back at jin.
"when that day come, you just wait and see" he said.
seokjin just shook his head.

the rest of the day was spent with jinkook bickering as always, and minjoon laughing at them.

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