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namjoon and jackson haven't made their relationship official yet.
he's been confused about things.
and by things, i mean, he's been confused about his feelings for both jackson and seokjin.

it's been about two weeks now and things between joonie and jin have gotten much better.

seokjin doesn't act angry or jealous when he see namjoon with jackson, he just smile and sometimes they would all sit down and joke around.
jackson has been treating namjoon so good. they've been going out from time to time, whenever jackson was off of work. they've been spending time together both in bed and just hanging out.


namjoon feels really bad because every time they hangout or do anything, he can't seem to stop thinking of seokjin.

him and jin had been talking more. they've been hanging out in the house whenever they could and it all made namjoon confused.
it felt like how they used to be before things went bad. it felt like how they used to be when they first started dating.

everything was confusing namjoon.

like right now.
him and jin are sitting at the table eating lunch together. like before, it's reminding him of how they used to go out on lunch dates or jin would come home from work and eat lunch with namjoon before he went back into work.

he would also come home when he wanted a quickie but that's a topic for another time...

"where's jackson?" jin ask, breaking namjoon out of his thoughts.
"oh.. he's at work right now."
"oh ok.. has he been treating you right?"
"yes, why'd you ask that?" namjoon ask as he giggle a little.
"because.. we may not be together but you're still my best friend and I'll still protect you no matter what so if he hurt you or anything, I'll beat his ass" jin say.

"so are you gonna beat yourself up?" namjoon asked, jokingly but he realized that it came out differently after he saw jin's face. "jin... I'm sorry.. i.. i didn't mean for it to come out like that.. it was supposed to be a joke."

"it's ok joonie.. I'm not mad."

the kitchen becomes silent and it's this awkward tension that namjoon hates.

"jin.. don't be mad at me.. i said i was sorry" jin chuckle.
"joonie, i said it was ok. I'm not mad.. it's the truth so it's totally fine, I deserved that"
"but still-"
"joon.." jin say as he place his hand over top of namjoon's. neither wanted to say anything but they both felt that same spark they felt two years ago when they first met. they both felt that shock of electricity and couldn't say anything about it.

they both stared into each other's eyes. the look so intimate that it makes both boys sweat. they stay like that, staring at each other, for far too long.

namjoon was lost in jin's chocolate brown eyes. his perfect skin, his plump pink lips, his broad shoulders, his muscular arms. namjoon noticed it all and it made him blush and look down.

seokjin loved how namjoon always got so shy. he loved the way namjoon would blush and look away once he was shy.
seokjin noticed how good namjoon looked in platinum blond hair.
he noticed how namjoon's eyes were still the same beautiful eyes that he once fell in love with.
he noticed how plump namjoon's lips looked. namjoon looked like he was glowing and jin noticed it all.

jin blinked and looked away, clearing his throat. "I'm.. I'm sorry joon.."
"n-no... it's ok.. i should.. i should get some rest, I'm feeling tired." namjoon said as he stood up. he was lying.
he doesn't feel tired, he just need to get away from jin before he do something they'll both regret.

granted, if him and jin was to have sex or do anything right now, he don't think he'll regret it even though it's wrong since he's seeing jackson.

he start walking to his room but jin stop him.
"c-can i get a hug?.. please, before i go back to work?" namjoon blush and slowly nod.
it's been a while since he had a real hug from seokjin.

jin get up and walk over to namjoon.
they stare at each other before jin pull him into a tight hug.
namjoon wrap his arms around jin's torso, hugging him back just as tight. both missing the warmness of each other.

pulling away from the hug, both boys, once again, stare into each other's eyes.
they start inching closer and closer until their lips are only a few inches away from each other.
they could feel each other's breath on their lips.

namjoon's heart is beating fast.
he hasn't been this close to jin in a long time.

"can i?" jin whisper making namjoon shiver.
namjoon, not in his right state of mind, nod his head and jin lean down, connecting their lips.

an immediate shock pulsing through the two males veins. both boys haven't felt this in so long and it's nice.

their lips still just as soft as they remembered.
jin place his hands on namjoon's waist and namjoon wrap his arms around jin's neck, both pulling each other closer.
namjoon sigh and let out a soft moan.

jin lean down some more and place soft kisses on namjoon's neck and then start sucking on his neck.
"ahh j-jin.."

both boys feel themselves getting hard and start grinding their hips together causing namjoon to throw his head back and let out a moan.

as if a switch went off in his head, he pushed jin back once a image of jackson ran through his head. he pant as he try to catch his breath.
"t-this is wrong jin.. I'm s-seeing jackson.." is the last thing namjoon say before he push pass jin and room into his room, closing the door behind him.

jin is left there, confused and angry with himself.
he let his needs and emotions get in the way, knowing namjoon was seeing jackson and yet he still kissed him.

what makes it worse is that, jin doesn't regret it..


i feel bad for jackson but then again, I'm a sucker for some namjin so🥺

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