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"i really fucked up yoongs." jin said to his best friend yoongi.

jin came to his best friend's house just to get away and think. his best friend's boyfriend, hoseok, was here too. both sitting and listening to how much of a dumbass jin is.

they've know jin and namjoon for a long time now. yoongi knew jin longer than namjoon but the boy still had a special place in yoongi's heart, even if they weren't that close, which is why he's so mad at his best friend right now.

jin just told them everything that has been happening between him and namjoon and both hoseok and yoongi want to get up and punch jin right in the face.

"I'm with namjoon on this one. fuck you seokjin. how could you do that to namjoon? namjoon is the most kindest and caring boy ever and what do you do to him? you fucking hurt him! you did more than just hurt him, you cheated on him! i'm sorry to say this but if namjoon never wants to get back with you then oh well. you deserve it you piece of shit!" hoseok said, getting up from the couch and leaving to his and yoongi's room.

they both know to leave hoseok alone right now. it's rare for hoseok to get really mad so when he does, it's not pretty.

"normally, i would at least try to stick up for you jin but i can't.. i agree with hobi.. if namjoon doesn't want to get back with you then so be it.. you brought this on yourself." yoongi said. seokjin sighed and nodded, understanding that they was right.

hoseok came out a few minutes later with his shoes on and a hoodie on also. he had his phone in his hand and his car keys.
"baby, where are you going?" yoongi asked.
"to check up on namjoon. he needs a friend to be there for him right now."
"he has that jackson guy." jin say.

that was the last straw for hoseok. he walked over to jin and punched him straight in the face, busting jin's lips.

"i bet that jackson guy made him better in one night then you ever did in two years." and with that hobi walked out, slamming the door.

jin groaned, holding his lip. yoongi smirked feeling turned on seeing his boyfriend get so violent.
"he has a mean right hook don't he?" yoongi asked in a teasing manner. jin just glared at him.

namjoon was sitting on the couch, watching movies on his laptop while eating ice cream when he heard a knock on the door.

he got up and opened the door, seeing hoseok standing there. it shocked him. he hasn't seen hobi in a few months now. he's been so caught up with trying to fix his messed up relationship with seokjin.

"hobi?! what're you doing here?!" namjoon asked, excitedly as he pulled hobi into a tight hug.
"hey joonie!" hobi said just as excited, hugging namjoon back just as tight.

after their emotional moment, both boys came inside, closing the door behind them and namjoon made his way back to the couch, hobi following.

they chatted and caught up with each other and what's been happening in each other's lives these past few months. after they had a few good laughs and stuff, hobi got down to the real why he came.

"so.. i heard about what happened between you and seokjin." he said softly, trying not to hurt namjoon. namjoon just sighed.
"I'm here if you wanna talk babes." hoseok said calmly.

namjoon smiled. he knew he could always count on hobi to be there for him. he don't know why he didn't just call hobi or yoongi when everything went down the first time.

a small part of him thought that they were gonna take seokjin's side since they knew him longer.

"what did i do wrong hobi? am i not good enough? all i did was try to love him and be the best version of me i can be for him but he just... just.. t-tossed me aside like as if i was nothing to him.." namjoon said, eyes watering up.

hobi pulled namjoon into a hug, rubbing his back.
"you did nothing wrong joonie. seokjin is just a asshole! you're smart, you're beautiful, you're hella talented! any man would be stupid to lose you and soon enough, seokjin is gonna realize that.. so don't beat yourself up over him. he's a piece of shit!" hobi said, reassuring namjoon that everything was gonna be ok.

"thank you hobi, i really needed that."
"no problem! now tell me about this jackson guy! i heard y'all was getting it in last night! how was he?" hobi said, instantly making namjoon feel a bit better.

"he was so good seokie! he treated me with so much care! even though he went rough, he still managed to be gentle with me and i loved it... he also asked me out on a date..."
"NO FUCKING WAY! omg did you say yes?"
"ah yes! I'm happy for you! you deserve for someone to treat like how you should be!"

namjoon smiled at hobi's words.

he was feeling a little better and he couldn't wait for his date with jackson.

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