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~there may be some errors!~

"I'm really sorry to hear that.. is there anything i can do to help?"
"n-no.. there isn't anything you can do but thanks for asking.." jackson say to mark.
"i don't like seeing you like this jackson.."

It's been three weeks since him and namjoon stopped talking. jackson thought he could get over it soon but he really liked namjoon a lot so it did hurt him.
mark has been there for him though.

he didn't tell mark what all had happened until today.
mark was hurting inside, seeing jackson so hurt like that but if he was being 100% honest, he was kinda happy that jackson and namjoon didn't work out.
that may sound bad to say but mark has, non stop, been thinking about jackson ever since they met almost a month ago.

he really like jackson and would love to make jackson happy but right now, might not be the right time.

"thanks for being concerned for me mark.."
"of course.. wanna talk about how you're feeling right now?"
"I... I just feel hurt... I really liked him mark.. it's ok though.. there isn't really anything I can do about the situation. the heart wants what the heart want and his just didn't want me so.."
"what if mine want you?" mark said, blushing a little. he didn't mean to say that out loud.

jackson looked at mark with a shocked expression.
he thought mark was really beautiful but he doesn't know if his heart can take anymore pain.

"mark.. you're really, really beautiful and handsome but... i.. I just don't think I can take anymore pain right now.."
"please let me show you that my eyes are only for you... they have been ever since we met at that event almost a month ago.. jackson, I might not be namjoon but.. i just wanna make you happy and show you love and kindness.." mark say.

jackson never knew that mark felt this way about him.

"can... can you wait for me?? i don't want to agree right now when all I'm still thinking about is namjoon.. i don't want to be using you to get over my feelings for namjoon so.. please? wait for me?"
"I'll Wait as long as you need me to" mark said, smiling.

jackson smiled back.
him and mark just chilled and talked more. both males felt themselves being drawn closer to each other that night.

seokjin felt really bad.
namjoon has been avoiding him for the past three weeks now.
he only came out his room when he had to use the bathroom or when he was hungry. seokjin tried talking to namjoon and apologizing to him but namjoon just dismissed it and went into his room, not coming back out.

kinda like now.
seokjin is sitting in the living room, watching tv. today is his off day from work.
namjoon came out of his room and was about to go into the kitchen until he saw seokjin sitting in the living room.

he turned and tried walking away but seokjin wasn't having it.
he rushed up and over to namjoon, stopping him before he could go in his room.
"namjoon, please talk to me.. stop avoiding me.. you're hurting me.." jin said, his voice low and laced with sadness.

"i-i don't mean to.. it's just.." namjoon say but he stop as his eyes water.
"just what joonie?"
"i just.. f-feel so bad.. I'm a bad person hyung.. i hurt jackson and now I'm hurting you.. i can't do anything right.. I'm just so useless. you cheated on me when i did nothing but love you and now jackson left me because i almost had sex with the same person who cheated on me.. I'm just a screw up.. i deserve to be left alone.." namjoon said as tears ran down his face.

he didn't mean to bring up what happened between him and jin but right now, his mind was just running and he just said whatever was on his mind.
jin felt his own eyes watering.

"j-joonie... it's all my fault.." seokjin said as he looked down to the floor, "I'm so stupid.. i hurt you and then you found someone who made you happy and then i ruined it for you.. I'm so sorry joon.. I'll leave you alone" jin said and turned to walk away but namjoon stopped him.

"n-no... please don't... i-i need you hyung.. and it's not all your fault.. you asked to kiss me that say and i agreed to it so it's my fault as well.."
"c-can i please hug you? i really need it.."

namjoon nodded and both boys hugged each other tightly.
jin's arms going around namjoon's neck and namjoon's going around jin's torso. both boys held each other tightly, feeling that comfortable warmness they haven't felt in so long.
they both ended up crying. both because of everything that was happening and because they missed each other.

"I'm really sorry joonie.. I'll say it forever because i really mean it.. you may not want to be with me again and that's ok as long as we can be best friends still.. i don't want to lose you." jin said as he rested his head on namjoon's shoulder.

namjoon didn't say anything.
deep down inside, he did want to be with jin still but..

he's just really scared of the same thing repeating.

I'm sad🥺
my heart hurts for all 3 of them!

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