thirty five.

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AN: so guys, i have this namjin story that I'm working on, it's called 'Accidents Happen'! it's an MPREG story just to let you know! it's about jin wanting to lose his virginity before he left for college but he ended up being pregnant!
I'm actually really excited for this one so if you guys want to check it out, it'll be posted some time today or tomorrow❤️!!

recently jin has been leaving more than usual.
namjoon didn't want to seem like he was clocking jin or something but he did wonder where jin was going.

no it's not like that.
he made a promise to trust jin and not doubt him so that's what he's gonna do. no matter if he don't like the feeling.

right now, namjoon is sitting in a cafe with yoongi and hobi. they decided to meet up with namjoon and hangout with him since it's been a while since they hung out.
the last time they hung out was two weeks ago, when seokjin decided to have a little get together.

"where's seokjin?" hobi asked namjoon. usually they're always together so it's kinda weird not seeing him here with namjoon.
"i don't know, i think he got called into work today" namjoon said.
"yeah, he had a meeting today" yoongi said, trying to hurry and cover for jin. he knew what jin was doing today because jin had called him earlier today.

"oh.. he didn't tell me that" namjoon said.
"he probably just forgot to, don't think too much of it" yoongi said. hoseok looked at his boyfriend, knowing he was lying.
"joon, I'm going to the bathroom real quick, yoongs, come with me" hobi said, not giving yoongi a chance to protest, "we'll be right back ok?" namjoon nodded as he sipped his coffee.

hoseok and yoongi walked to the bathroom and hobi closed and locked the door.
"what the fuck is going on and don't you dare lie to me.. you know i can tell when you're lying and everything you said to namjoon was a lie so what the fuck is seokjin really doing?" hobi asked in a serious tone.

anyone who knew hoseok, knew that when he was serious or angry, you don't mess with him.
yoongi sigh knowing he's gonna have to tell his boyfriend.
"seokjin does have a meeting, it's just not a work meeting.." yoongi said.
"what does that even mean.."
"he's planning to propose to namjoon and right now, he's a jewelry store picking up the ring he got customized for namjoon.."
"WHAT?!" hoseok shouted.

seriously, what is it with everyone and shouting.

"yeah, please don't say anything to namjoon.. he also has another surprise for namjoon but i really can't tell you what it is so please don't make me" yoongi said.
"i won't, you told me enough baby" hoseok said as he pecked yoongi's lips. yoongi smiled.

they made their way back to the table and namjoon smiled at them.
"is everything ok?" he asked.
"yeah, everything is fine" yoongi said.
"ok, i just talked to seokjin and he said he'll meet us here" namjoon said with the biggest smile on his face.

it made both yoongi and hobi happy to see their favorite couple be so happy and so in love again.

"ok! that's great, we can turn this into a double date!" hobi said and namjoon nodded.

"joonie is gonna love this!" seokjin said as he looked at the studio which was now finished.
(picture his new studio at the hybe building and that's what it looks like here)

"two more weeks and i get to see my nephew!" amelia said as she squealed.
"i want to thank you for helping me amelia.. you've been so patient and so kind to me and i can't thank you enough" seokjin said.
"of course! anything for my nephew and future son in law! by the way, joonie is going to LOVE that ring!" she said and seokjin nervously chuckled.

"i hope so"
"hey, don't think negative.. think positively! joon loves you and would be so happy to be able to call you his husband" amelia said.
"i would be so happy to call him my husband too but.. I'm scared.. i fucked up pretty bad- excuse my language- and i don't know if he'll want to marry me because of it" seokjin said.

amelia smiled.
seokjin had told her everything that happened between him and joon. he didn't want to lie to her and make it seem like they was always happy so he explained everything to her.

luckily, she didn't flip and hate him.
she told him that everyone makes mistakes and as long as they're happy now, that's all that matters.

"i understand, but just have faith seokjin.. stop thinking about the past and think about the present.. we'll leave fate in the universe hands.. and i have faith that my nephew will say yes when you propose!" amelia said and seokjin nodded.

just then, his phone went off and he checked it seeing that it was a text from namjoon.
he texted him back and smiled.
"i have to go, namjoon texted me" seokjin said.
"ok, I'll see you in two weeks!" amelia said they walked out of the house. seokjin locked the door.

he gave amelia a hug. a tight, long hug, embracing her warmness.
"i really do thank you.. for everything. you've made me feel special. it feels like we're already family" seokjin said.
"that's because we are family sweetie" she said, "now go ahead, i have to meet up with my husband"

that's how seokjin ended up with namjoon, hobi, and yoongi and had their double date.
"how'd the meeting go?" namjoon asked as he gripped seokjin's arm and rested his head on his shoulder.
"oh, it was good.. two more weeks and we got this project coming up" seokjin said and looked at yoongi.

yoongi nodded getting the hint that jin will be ready to propose in two weeks.
he was happy for his two best friends. they found a way out of all the mess they were going through and managed to come together and be happy again.

"what kind of project?" namjoon asked. that's when seokjin got nervous.
"u-um.. it's a business meeting. we're launching a new project in two weeks, I'm not supposed to tell y'all what it is happening until we drop the project" seokjin say, quickly coming up with a lie.

thank god for his good acting skills.
"oh ok.. well, i can't wait to see what it is" namjoon said, smiling.
seokjin smiled and kissed namjoon's forehead.

he can't wait for namjoon to see it either.

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