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~I figured, why not post this chapter as well, to keep things going and interesting! so here y'all go!🦋~

it's been two weeks since Namjoon ended things with seokjin.

Two weeks and seokjin hasn't even tried to call or text Namjoon.

Namjoon did feel sad about it.

He thought seokjin would at least call and see if he was doing ok or try to apologize for all of the shit he's been doing but, it never came.

seokjin never called.

Namjoon did cry a few times. Seokjin was his first love. He was the only person who made Namjoon feel special. Made him feel loved. Made him feel wanted. Made him feel worthy.

Everything was going good in the beginning of their relationship. He don't know what caused seokjin to just change.

But one thing Namjoon does know, is that he's sticking to his words and he's gonna make seokjin regret playing with his feelings.

Which brings him to where he's at now.

"you wanna have sex with me?" his friend, jungkook ask him.
"yes i do."

He knows jungkook and Jin don't like each other. Jungkook is the type of person to sleep around with anyone. Which is why Jin doesn't like him because he tried to sleep with Namjoon before.

"what about that boyfriend of yours?"
"fuck him. he's nothing to me anymore."
Jungkook smirk and crash his lips on Namjoon's lips.

They're on jungkook's couch in his apartment right now.

Jungkook push his back and hover over him, crashing their lips together again. Namjoon moan into the kiss, both feeling themselves getting hard. Jungkook reach his hand down and palm Namjoon and Namjoon whimper.

Both pull their clothes off.

Jungkook take his boxers off, causing Namjoon to gawk at the size of his dick. Jungkook's big. Maybe not bigger than jin but big enough to leave Namjoon sore the next morning.

"don't worry about role playing and prepping me just fuck me." Namjoon say, panting.
"If you say so baby"

Jungkook reach into the little small dresser he has next to his couch and pull out a condom and a small bottle of lube.

He keeps it there for whenever he has someone over.

He put the condom on and pour some lube on his dick, stroking it a little and then line himself up with Namjoon's hole. Namjoon gasp when jungkook push inside of him.
"ahh fuck~" Namjoon moaned.
"fuck joon!" jungkook groaned, feeling how tight namjoon was.

Jungkook didn't waste any time and started thrusting into Namjoon at a fast pace. Namjoon moaned loudly, throwing his head back against the couch cushion. The position they were in caused jungkook to go so deep into Namjoon.

Namjoon was laying back against the couch and jungkook was standing with his hands on the back of the couch as he pounded into namjoon.

Flashes of seokjin went through Namjoon's mind. Yes, he still loved seokjin. they dated for two years. you can't just throw that away.

He didn't want jungkook to stop though.

There's no turning back.

He's gonna show Jin what he's missing out on. He's gonna make sure Jin regrets ever cheating on him. He's gonna have Jin begging him to take him back.

"fuck kookie! harder!"
Jungkook grabbed Namjoon's legs and pushed them back, spreading them some more and began to fuck into him harder. Mercilessly. He wrapped his arms around jungkook and was scratching at his back. Jungkook hissed from the scratching.

The living room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping, loud moans from namjoon, and the occasional groans from jungkook.

Both boys, soon after, was getting closer to their climax. This caused jungkook to speed up his pace and go harder into namjoon. Namjoon grabbed his dick and started stroking himself to match jungkook's pace.

Soon after, Namjoon released a loud moan as he came all over his chest and jungkook groaned as he came into the condom. He thrusted a few more times, riding out his orgasm and then pulled out and sat next to Namjoon who's now sitting up with his head thrown back and his eyes close as he pant.

"that was so good! thanks jungkookie"
"no problem. you sure seokjin isn't gonna come trying to punch me again?"
"I'm a grown ass man and if he can do whatever he want then so can i. he doesn't own me."
"ok, just making sure."

after leaving jungkook's apartment, namjoon decided he wanted a little change.

which is how he found himself where he's at now.

a hairdresser.

"how do you like it?" the nice lady asked after she finished with his hair.
"it's... i love it!"

namjoon's now platinum blond hair was definitely gonna cause more people to look at him. he loved how it looked and how it came out.

after paying the hairdresser, he headed back to the hotel he was staying in.

he didn't have no family to stay with. his mother passed away and his father was nowhere to be found. the rest of his family shamed him for being gay so he cut them off.

he showered and got into bed, with nothing but boxers. times like these is when reality hit him.

the only person he ever loved, cheated on him.
the only person he ever loved, said he didn't love him anymore.
his everything.
his reason for waking up in the morning.
his happiness.
his lover/best friend...

left him.

that night, just like many others, namjoon cried himself to sleep.

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