twenty two.

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it's been a month since everything happened between namjoon, jackson, and seokjin.

jackson has been thinking about namjoon from time to time but not as much.
his mind has been recently occupied with his, now business partner, mark. the two have become closer by each passing day.
jackson can't deny the fact that he likes mark now. like for real.
he has actual real feelings for him. not just feelings because he's trying to get over namjoon.

he actually really really likes mark.
mark is funny, kind, caring, loving and beautiful.
although jackson is still scared to get into a relationship right now, mark has been patient with him and did like he said..
wait as long as jackson want him to.

jackson decided that mark has been waiting for long enough and that he feels a little ready to let things go further.
they've been hanging out all day today.

now recently, ever since mark had saw jackson in nothing but boxers a week ago, they've noticed the sexual tension that has been drowning both of them with how strong it was.

that brings them to where they are now..
mark moaning and screaming jackson's name and jackson groaning and letting out soft moans from time to time, as he he pound into mark.

mark is laying on his back legs wrapped around jackson's waist, causing jackson to go inside of him deeper.
jackson was leaning down, allowing mark to hug him and scratch his back as he kissed and sucked hickeys onto mark's neck.

"ahhh fuck jackson~" mark moaned as jackson rammed into his prostate.
"I'm close baby" jackson groaned.
"m-me too.. go f-faster please" mark said between pants and moans.

jackson obeyed and went faster, harder and deeper causing mark to moan loudly as he came untouched. jackson followed right after, cumming inside of mark.
both men are clean don't worry!

afterwards, the two showered together... both couldn't resist each other and ended up having another round of sex.
after washing up, the two were now cuddled up in jackson's bedroom on his bed.

mark was dressed in some boxers and one of jackson's shirts and jackson just had on boxers.
"how was it?" jackson asked as he ran his fingers through mark's hair.
"the best i ever had in a long time.." mark say with a smile as he rub circles jackson's bare chest.
"really? when's the last time you had sex?"
"believe it or not, a year ago.."
"really?? why? that sounds weird but whatever.." jackson say with a chuckle. mark giggle, shaking his head.

"well.. a year ago.. i was talking to this guy and he ended up playing me.. after he got sex from me, he stopped talking to me so i told myself that I'm not having sex with anyone again unless i know it's gonna be a serious relationship or something serious." mark say.

"well, i hope you know that i would never do that to you.. i really do like you and want to be with you."
"and i want to be with you too.."
"so be my boyfriend.."

jackson say a little nervous. him and namjoon haven't made it this far so it's kinda scarier him.
even though mark has feelings for him and jackson knows it, he can't help but feel a little nervous and scared about these things.

"of course I'll be your boyfriend" mark said, smiling as he looked up at jackson. jackson smiled back and leaned down, pecking mark's lips.
the kiss ended up getting deeper. not with lust but with passion and love.

"should we order food? i don't feel like cooking" jackson said as they broke away from the kiss.
"whatever you want jackie" his heart fluttered at mark's words.
namjoon used to call him that but it didn't have the same effect on him as much as it did when mark said it.

the two ended their night with Chinese takeout and movies.

things for seokjin and namjoon have been getting better but not to where they want things to be.

namjoon can tell that seokjin is really trying but.. he just can't bring himself to trust seokjin all the way. yet at least. what seokjin did has been going on for way too long and namjoon let it slide because he loved seokjin and didn't want to lose him.

that was his biggest mistake.
not seeing his own worth.
he'll be damned if he let seokjin put him through that again, which is why he's not in a rush to hop back into a relationship with him.

he loves seokjin still yes, but he's not putting himself through so much pain again when he can leave and have better.
because he deserves better.

seokjin noticed how for the past month, namjoon has been on edge. he doesn't blame him though.
what he did to namjoon was unacceptable.

the two have been going on dates and going out places. they've actually been having fun but still both can feel the tension between each other.

it's not necessarily awkward or sexual tension, it's more so a nervous and anxious tension.
jin is anxious for namjoon to be his again.
while namjoon and anxious to see if seokjin is gonna mess up.. so far, he hasn't and he's been treating namjoon right.

as of right now, the two are sitting at a nice Chinese restaurant.
yes, this is another date.
they used to have date night every Friday so seokjin thought it would be a good idea to continue doing that.

"seokjin, we haven't been here in so long.." namjoon say, happy. the restaurant they're at, used to be his and jin's favorite spot to come to.
"i know.. we used to come here almost every date night.. i figured we can come here again.. i know it's not all like it used to be but it's something and it still means a lot to me and is special to me because I'm with you.."

namjoon smiled, looking down as he blushed.
the two spent their night, talking, eating, and just joking around, having fun.

after they left, they were walking back to seokjin's car when they were stopped.

they both turned at the sound of a soft voice calling jin.
once seokjin saw who it was, his eyes went wide.
"jimin.. h-hey"
"hey, it's been a while since i saw you.."

namjoon looks at both of them confused. he doesn't know who this boy is but seokjin seems to obviously know him.
namjoon cleared his throat causing both of them to look at him. "who's this?" joon asked.
"o-oh.. joonie, this is jimin.. he's my friend.." seokjin said, nervously.

"with benefits..." jimin say, chuckling. he doesn't really know who namjoon is, all he know is that seokjin has an ex who he seems to still want.

jin chuckles nervously, looking at namjoon who doesn't seem to find anything funny.

"seokjin. take me home. now." namjoon say, not even giving jin a chance to respond as he walk away.

poor jimin is just confused, not knowing anything that's happening right now.

seokjin sighs. a good night, ruined.


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