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AN: sadly, this story is coming to an end🥺 there will be 10 chapters left! i wanted to thank all of y'all reading for being so patient with me and loving this story! i have other stories I'm working on but this one is one of my favorites so to see it get so much love makes me happy!
thank you❤️

now, we waited 30 chapters for this moment! we finally get namjin smut! i hope y'all enjoy it❤️

"joonie, are you sure? i don't want to do this if you're uncomfortable or anything. i want you to want this just as much as me baby"
"yes seokjin.. I'm sure" seokjin nodded and connected their lips.

seokjin slid his hand under namjoon's shirt and started playing with one of his nipples. namjoon moaned into the kiss.
he gripped onto to seokjin's shirt as seokjin moved and attached his lips to his neck and started leaving hickeys and marks.

namjoon started trying to take seokjin's shirt off and seokjin helped him. he took his shirt off and then took namjoon's shirt off.
he move down and connect his lips to one of namjoon's nipples, sucking on it.
"ahh seokjin~" namjoon moaned.

namjoon gripped a handful of seokjin's hair as he threw his head back.
"you're so beautiful namjoon.. so so beautiful baby"

minutes later, both boys were left in their boxers. both achingly hard.
"can i?" seokjin asked, gesturing to namjoon's boxers. namjoon nodded, wanting nothing more than to be out of his tight boxers.

seokjin slid namjoon's boxers off, letting his hard dick free finally. namjoon whimpered and seokjin loved the sound he just made.
it was like heavenly music to his ears.
he grabbed namjoon's dick and started stroking it slowly, wanting to hear those beautiful sounds coming from namjoon again.

his own dick twitched every time namjoon moaned and whimpered.
he couldn't take it anymore and pulled his own boxers off, setting himself free. namjoon drooled at the size of seokjin. he forgot just how big seokjin was.

they didn't call him XL for nothing.

he straddled namjoon's waist and gripped both his and namjoon's dick causing both of them to moan.
he started stroking both of them as he leaned down and connected their lips.

the feeling was so heavenly to namjoon. he was in pure ecstasy.
he haven't felt like this in so long. granted, jackson did make him feel good but it was nothing compared to this and they haven't even got all the way yet.

"ahh j-jin please.." namjoon moaned. seokjin started stroking both of them faster, feeling himself getting closer just from namjoon's moans.
moments later, both boys were cumming together, releasing on each other's stomachs and chests.

both of their foreheads were together as they panted, trying to catch their breath from an intense orgasms.
seokjin kissed namjoon and of course he kissed back. the kiss not lustful but passionate and full of love.

seokjin got up and got the lube from the dresser and also grabbed a condom. namjoon shook his head.
"we don't have to use a condom.. you're clean right?" namjoon asked.
"of course, i went for my monthly check up last week and I'm clean.."
"so am i.. my check up was the other day.." namjoon said. seokjin nodded and put the condom down.

he climbed back on the bed and got in between namjoon's legs, spreading them some.
he opened the lube and poured some on his fingers. he then rolled his finger around the rim of namjoon's hole and then slowly pushed one finger in. namjoon whimpered.

it felt as if he was doing this for the first time again.
he lost his virginity to seokjin and now it feels like he's losing his virginity again and to who?
kim seokjin.

seokjin added a second finger and thrusting them in and out of namjoon. namjoon was growing impatient.
"p-please seokjin, please" he moaned.
"please what baby?"
"please take me" seokjin nodded. he grabbed the lube again and poured some on his dick and then stroked it until it was covered in lube.

"ready?" he asked as he lined himself up with namjoon's hole. namjoon nodded, feeling a little nervous if he was being honest.
seokjin slowly pushed in, causing namjoon to gasp and grip the bedsheets.
once seokjin was in all the way, he stopped and let namjoon adjust to his size.

after a while, namjoon gave seokjin the ok to go ahead and move.
seokjin started off thrusting slowly. both boys basking in the oh so good feeling they haven't felt in so long.

soon, seokjin started thrusting a little faster causing namjoon to moan louder as he gripped onto seokjin's forearms. both were staring into each other's eyes.

"i love you namjoon.. i love you, i love you so so much my beautiful baby" seokjin said.

all the pleasure was becoming too much for namjoon. his emotions started running all over the place and next thing he knew, he was crying.
it wasn't from sadness or anything, it was from happiness.

he never expected him and seokjin to be here again. he thought that after everything, they would've never got back together but here they are.
seokjin kissed namjoon's tears as he continued to thrust into him. he leaned down and rested his head in the crook of namjoon's neck, kissing it gently.
"don't cry baby, i love you so much and i truly mean it" seokjin whispered in namjoon's ear.

"ahh- i-i love you too seokjin.. i love you too.. so so m-much" namjoon said in between moans.
"I'm close baby, so c-close" seokjin said as he started thrusting faster.

moments later, namjoon was cumming all over his stomach and chest and seokjin was cumming inside of namjoon.
they sat there, both panting. seokjin connected their lips in a slow loving kiss.
"i love you seokjin"
"i love you too joonie"

now showered and in their pajamas- which only consisted of boxers and one of jin's oversized shirts for namjoon and some shorts for seokjin- both were laying cuddled up.
namjoon was tired from their recent love making. his head rested on seokjin's chest as he traced circles on jin's stomach.

"how was it baby?" seokjin asked.
"it was the best" namjoon said, smiling.
seokjin smiled back and kissed namjoon's forehead.

eventually, the two went to sleep.
both of them knowing that they're gonna be ok in the future.

this was the cutest smut I've ever written wtf🥺!!

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