thirty three.

731 45 14

guys I'm getting more and more sad as this book is getting closer to the end🥺

as of right now, everyone was in namjoon and seokjin's apartment.
by everyone, i mean jimin, yoongi, hoseok, jungkook, jackson, mark, and even taehyung.

namjoon was currently talking to jackson and mark. they were just catching up with each other.
it's been a while since they last talked.
"i see you and seokjin are better than ok now huh.." jackson said and namjoon blushed and nodded.
"yeah.. everything has been great between us.."

"I'm glad to hear that! how'd y'all make up? did y'all have make up sex? that always seems to work" jackson say and mark sigh, shaking his head.
"not everyone is us jackson" mark say and namjoon laugh.

"we actually made up a month before we had sex.. the sex came way later" namjoon say.
"well, I'm still glad you guys are happy and back together.. it's nice to see you smile"
"thank you" namjoon said.

"namjoon.. i know me and you don't really know each other but.. i hated you.. you hurt jackson and that made me angry with you but jackson told me that you're not a bad person, you just went through some bad stuff and your feelings were confused.. so I'm saying this to say that I'm sorry for hating you.. from what i see, everything jackson said about you is true. you're a good, kind, and caring person.. i hope in the future we could be closer friends.." mark said, smiling at the end. namjoon smiled and nodded his head.

jackson smiled as namjoon and mark gave each other a hug.

meanwhile, seokjin pulled jimin to the end of the hallway, away from everyone.
"hyung, what's wrong?" jimin asked, confused as to why he was being pulled away from everyone.
"chim, i need your help.."
"with what?"
"ok so.. i bought a house for me and namjoon, everything will be finalized tomorrow but i don't want us to move in yet because I'm gonna have a studio be built in the basement for namjoon since it was always his dream to make music.. i contacted the people who'll be building it and they said it's gonna take them a week"
"ok, so what do you need my help with?" jimin asked still kinda confused.

"the day we move in is the day I'm gonna propose to namjoon.."
"WHAT?!" jimin shouted, happily. seokjin covered his mouth, shushing him.
"shut up! he'll find out if you keep shouting" seokjin whisper yelled.
"ok, ok, I'm sorry.." jimin whispered.

seokjin shook his head and told jimin the rest of his plan. he and jimin then came up with a good enough plan that'll leave namjoon in awe.
he was happy with the plan.
he wants everything to be perfect for namjoon. his baby deserves the world.

"what the fuck were you and jimin talking about?" yoongi asked, kinda upset. from what he saw, it looked like jin and jimin were being secretive about something and yoongi, knowing the history between the two, didn't like that. especially since jin and namjoon just started to be happy again.

he didn't beat his best friend's ass last time but he'll definitely do it if he mess up again.

"what? we weren't talking about anything.." seokjin nervously said.
"kim fucking seokjin, i swear if you're cheating on namjoon agai-"
"what?! no! I'm not! i promise!"
"so then what the FUCK were you and jimin talking about?" yoongi asked one last time.

seokjin sighed knowing there was no way of getting out of this.
"i asked him to help me with something.."
"something like what?"
"um.. a proposal.."
"why the fuck would you need help with a propos-" yoongi cut himself off with a gasp, "NO FUCKING WAY!"

seokjin let out a irritated sigh.
"what is it with everyone and shouting!" seokjin said, annoyed. yoongi said sorry.
"hyung, you're proposing to namjoon?" yoongi whispered and jin nodded.
"yes, but not right now.. i still need to find a ring and work on a few things.. and i talked to jimin because i asked him for his help with decorations and stuff like that.." seokjin said.
"oh.. sorry for accusing you of something else.."

"it's ok.. given my past with jimin, i understand why you went crazy on me"
"yeah.. so fill me in on everything! it seems like i missed a lot!"

and that's what seokjin did.. he told yoongi everything. from the house, to namjoon's aunt, to the studio he's having built in their new home, everything.

"so jimin, how have things been with you and jungkook?" namjoon asked.
he, hobi, and jimin all sat in his and seokjin's bedroom wanting to get away from everyone so they could talk.

"everything has been ok... i think he likes taehyung though.." jimin say.
"why do you say that? they just met today.." hobi say.
"actually, they met a few weeks ago.. ever since then, he's been all over him, taehyung always come over, and they're always hanging out" jimin says.
"you don't hang out with them?"

"no.. last time i hung out with them, i felt like a third wheel so i just let them hang out now.. I'm ok though, if you guys were wondering.." jimin said, putting on a sad fake smile.

talking about this made his heart hurt again.
"chim.. it's ok to not be ok.. it's ok to feel sad, angry, frustrated, hurt, whatever.." namjoon said and hobi nodded in agreement.
"yeah... it's ok to want to scream and cry and let all of that pain and anger out.. we're here for you"

jimin's eyes watered.
his body shook and he started to sob. namjoon pulled him into a tight hug, allowing jimin to wrap his arms around his torso and cry into his shirt.
his heart hurt for jimin.

"w-why is this happening to me? a-am i not attractive enough? am i too fat or too s-skinny? hyung.. a-after everything that happened between me, you and seokjin.. i-i felt like nothing but a whore and a slut.. i still feel like that.. you know m-me and jungkook almost had sex but i stopped it because i didn't want to feel like a slut anymore.. t-that's when he stopped talking to me and things changed.. it's like e-everyone only wants me for my body.." jimin sobbed hard into namjoon's shirt.

hearing this broke both hobi's and namjoon's heart.
jimin really has been going through a lot and he don't deserve it at all.

"jimin I'm so sorry this is happening to you... you're not a whore, you're not ugly, you're not too fat or too skinny.. baby you're perfect! any man who can't see that is blind as fuck! you're a literal angel chim.." namjoon said, rubbing jimin's back.

"t-thank you hyung.. I'm really happy to have you guys," jimin said, looking at both hobi and namjoon, "i thought y'all would've hated me after everything but yet y'all are here, loving me and taking care of me.. i don't know how to thank y'all enough.."
"you don't have to thank us, we're friends sweets"

"yeah.. how about you stay the night here tonight.. maybe get away from jungkook just for tonight" namjoon suggested and jimin nodded.

seokjin then walked in the room.
"baby, i was looking for you but you weren't out-" he stopped when he saw the sight in front of him. jimin eyes were red and namjoon and hobi were both hugging him. "what's wrong?" he asked.

"baby, jimin is staying with us tonight" namjoon said.
"ok, that's fine.. let me just go straighten up the guest room.." seokjin said as he walked back out, gently closing the door.

namjoon and hobi stayed there comforting jimin for right now.

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