thirty one.

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the next morning, namjoon woke up with a smile on his face. this is the happiest he's been in a long time. he looked up at Seokjin to see him still sleep and smiled.
he loves seokjin so much.

he started kissing seokjin's chest gently. seokjin hummed as he slowly opened his eyes.
"good morning baby"
"morning jinnie" namjoon said, smiling.
"what's got you up this early in the morning?" seokjin asked.
"nothing.. i just want you again" namjoon said.

of course seokjin wasted no time and that's how him and namjoon ended up having sex again.
you can never go wrong with morning sex. seokjin had morning wood anyways so it was only right for namjoon to help him get rid of it.

now, both boys were in the kitchen. namjoon sitting on the counter and jin standing in between his legs as they made out.
it felt like they were in their early stages of their relationship all over again but neither complained.
both loved it actually.

"you know i love you right?" seokjin said and namjoon blushed and smiled.
"hm.. could you say it again and maybe I'll understand" namjoon said and jin shook his head, smiling, as he kissed namjoon again.

"what do you want for breakfast baby?" seokjin asked.
"i walked right into that one" jin said as he laughed. namjoon nodded with a smile.
"no but seriously, whatever you make is fine with me" namjoon say.

that's how the two found themselves eating leftovers from the dinner seokjin cooked last night. namjoon laughed because jin didn't really feel like cooking breakfast but he was willing to do it for namjoon.
joon thought that was really cute.

"i really missed you seokjin.." namjoon said.
"I'm right here baby, you don't have to miss me.."
"no.. I'll say it like this, i really missed us.. like this, laughing and playing around with each other, the amazing sex, us eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner together, our dates we go on.. i missed it all so I'm really happy to see us like this again" namjoon said and seokjin smiled.

"i missed it too joonie.. i fucked up a lot and I'm still trying to make up for it but you know i love you from the bottom of my heart.. my heart beats for you and you only namjoon.."
"i love you too jinnie.. and you already showed me more than enough ways that you're sorry, you don't need to make it up to me anymore.."

after they finished eating, the two got dressed- namjoon in one of seokjin's oversized sweaters and some ripped jeans, seokjin in some black ripped jeans and a black hoodie.. it was fall now so the temperature was slowly dropping- and made their way outside to seokjin's car.

"where're we going?" namjoon asked.
"just for a drive.. wherever the wind take us is where we'll go" seokjin said as he unlocked his car door and they both got in.

he wasn't lying either.
they ended up just driving around, enjoying the breeze that flew through the open windows. namjoon looked over at seokjin and smiled. he's really in love with seokjin.
no matter how hard he tried to get over him and move on, a few months ago, it just didn't work. his heart will always belong to seokjin.

"you're staring baby.." seokjin said, chuckling.
"I'm just admiring what's mine.. and i love you"
"i love you too"

they drove around more and ended up in a nice and quiet neighborhood with big and beautiful houses. the houses were so beautiful to namjoon.
he imagined him and jin living in one as a family. since they couldn't have kids biologically, they were just gonna adopt.
that was something they talked about a long time ago before everything went bad in their relationship so he don't know if jin is still up for that idea.

he would love to start a family with seokjin in a home like one of these ones.
as they drove through the neighborhood, this one house caught his attention.
"stop!" namjoon said to seokjin who immediately stopped the car.
"baby what's wrong?" seokjin asked.

"look, they're doing an open house for that house right there!" namjoon said, excitedly. "can we go see it please?"
seokjin nodded and parked his car in the driveway of the home namjoon was talking about.

the two got out and made their way inside of the house.
both were amazed by the inside. it was so beautiful and spacious.
as they were looking around, a middle aged couple came from out of what looked like the kitchen and greeted them.

after they left the house, namjoon was amazed and he wanted the house, but it was too much money.

the house had a very big backyard, it was 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms with a finished basement and a two car garage. namjoon really loved it.

it would've been a nice family home.

seokjin was sad from seeing the look on namjoon's face when they heard the price of the house. every room they walked in, namjoon's eyes sparkled with joy and excitement, so to see that look turn into disappointment when they heard the price made seokjin hurt.

he had a idea in mind and he was determined now.

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