twenty three.

908 56 11

~unedited, may be some errors~

"did.. did i do something wrong?" jimin ask.
"aish.. it's not your fault.. remember the ex that i was telling you about?"
"the one you're still in love with? yeah i remember him.."
jin give jimin a look as if he's telling him. jimin gasp as realization hit him.

"omg! that was him?!" jimin ask and jin nod. "why didn't you say anything sooner!? i wouldn't of said we were friends with benefits.. i mean it's true but still.. well it's not true anymore because we don't have sex anymore but omg seokjin you should've told me that was him!"

"it's fine jimin.. i should get going.. he's mad at me now and if i keep him waiting, it'll only get worse" jin say.
"again.. I'm really sorry for ruining y'all's night."

jimin watched with a broken heart as seokjin walked away.
he didn't say anything to anyone but he ended up catching feelings for seokjin. also, he couldn't really tell anyone because he don't really have any friends.

seokjin was his only friend.
he made the choice, a month ago, to stop sleeping with seokjin because he had found out that seokjin was cheating on his boyfriend with him.
that really hurt his heart to know that seokjin had a boyfriend and even though he didn't want to, he's not a home wrecker which is why he stoppped having sex or doing anything with seokjin.

jimin had been taking a walk to clear his head because things have become a little too crazy for him.
with seokjin, bills not being paid on time, just everything was eating jimin up and it doesn't help that he ran into one of the main sources of his problems.

with another man...

not only was it another man, it was the man that seokjin had still been in love with.
jimin had thought that maybe he would have a chance with seokjin because seokjin told him about some jackson guy a while ago but clearly he was wrong.

jimin walked with tears rolling down his face.
'it's time for me to give up on him' was the only thought going through jimin's mind as he made his way back to his apartment.

he made it to his front door, eyes puffy and red.
as he stopped he saw a orange paper on his door..
as if his problems couldn't get any worse..

the orange paper read 'EVICTION'
he now has 72 hours to find somewhere else to live.

the whole ride home was nothing but silence.
namjoon didn't want to talk to seokjin.
seokjin scared to say anything in fear of triggering namjoon.

once they pulled up to their apartment complex, namjoon got out of seokjin's car, not even waiting for him, and slammed the door causing seokjin to flinch.

he got out, locking his car, and followed namjoon inside of their apartment. he closed the door softly behind them and followed namjoon into the kitchen.
"don't call me that."
"don't call me that either."
"ok, ok.. sorry.. namjoon can i explain?"

namjoon sighed.
he didn't want to hear anything of what seokjin had to say but he figured it'd be best if he let him explain.
so he nodded his head.

"what me and jimin had ended a while ago-"
"that's his name? jimin?"
"yes.. please don't be mad at him, he's a nice guy but anyways... me and him haven't did anything for a while now and i don't plan on doing anything with him, i promise.. i only want you."
"is he the one you cheated on me with?"

namjoon had to ask.
he doesn't remember seokjin having any friends by the name jimin so he was curious.

"please.. just answer my question."
seokjin sighed and nodded his head, "yes.. he is."

namjoon just nodded.
he couldn't stop the hurt feeling he felt but he decided to just keep the past in the past.

but he still felt slightly angry and sad about the whole situation.
what was supposed to be their fun date night was now ruined.

namjoon just walked into their room.
at least he still wanted to sleep in their with seokjin.
namjoon took his clothes off and changed into his pajamas, then climbed into bed.
he felt tired and didn't feel like doing anything.

seokjin came in, a few minutes after and did the same. his pajamas only insisted of his boxers.
he climbed into bed and hesitated as he was about to pull namjoon close to him.
he didn't know if namjoon would want to cuddle with him.

"joo- namjoon.. can we cuddle?"
"yes.. just don't talk to me. i don't feel like talking to you right now."

jin nodded.
he pulled namjoon closed to him, hugging his waist.
he sighed as he nuzzled his face in between namjoon's neck. namjoon gripped onto seokjin's arms and held them.

both feeling warm with each other but both knowing this talk wasn't over.

guys my heart hurt for jimin🥺

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