forty one.

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AN: this is the final chapter🥺🥺 i want to say thank you to everyone who took an interest in this story!!❤️

soon as the couple walked into their beach house, seokjin was pushing namjoon up against the wall, connecting their lips.

they're on their honeymoon.
they've been in bora bora for the past few days and it's honestly been the best for them. the two haven't been able to keep their hands off of each other the whole time.

just 20 minutes ago, they were swimming and namjoon started to tease seokjin.
he would run his hands down seokjin's chest and abs and then would stop right above his private area. he would bend down in front of seokjin, making sure to poke his ass out while doing it.

he even made it seem like he was deepthroating the banana he had earlier.
that's what made seokjin snap, which is how they ended up back inside the beach house, seokjin kissing and sucking on namjoon's neck, definitely leaving marks on his husband.

"you've been teasing me all morning joonie" seokjin say lowly in namjoon's ear.
"have i? I'm sorry, i just want daddy to fuck me again" namjoon say, innocently.

seokjin growl.
"on your knees." he say and namjoon obey him immediately, dropping down to his knees.
seokjin pull down his shorts, letting himself free. his already hard dick springing out.

namjoon licked his lips, ready to take seokjin in his mouth.
"suck." seokjin say and namjoon happily start giving seokjin's dick kitten licks. seokjin let out a soft groan as he throw his head back. namjoon then took seokjin all the way in his mouth and seokjin moaned.

namjoon stared bobbing his head back and forth, deepthroating seokjin. seokjin loved the choking a gagging sounds coming from namjoon.

he gripped a handful of namjoon's hair and started thrusting into his mouth.
"fuck joon" he groaned, his dick hitting the back of namjoon's throat with each thrust. "you like choking on my dick don't you baby" seokjin said. namjoon, not being able to talk, hummed.

it sent a vibration around seokjin's dick and he moaned.
"look at me while you suck me" seokjin said, voice husky and dominant. namjoon found himself whimpering, turned on even more now, as he looked up at seokjin.

he took seokjin out of his mouth for a few to catch his breath.
"can i touch myself daddy?" namjoon asked, voice a little raspy from deepthroating.
"go ahead baby" seokjin said. namjoon stood up and pulled his own shorts off. he got back on his knees and took seokjin back in his mouth.

this time, namjoon stroked himself while he sucked seokjin off.
a few minutes later, the pleasure became too much for both boys and seokjin was cumming down namjoon's throat.
namjoon came into his hand. seokjin pulled his hand and licked it all up.

now, after grabbing the lube they had laying around in the couch from the other night, seokjin had namjoon still up against the wall.
he picked him up, namjoon wrap his legs around seokjin's waist and gripped onto his big broad shoulders.

seokjin lubed himself up and lined himself up with namjoon's hole.
"n-no prep?" namjoon nervously asked.
"nope. this is your punishment for teasing me"

seokjin slowly entered namjoon.
namjoon gasped. no matter how many times they have sex, he'll never get used to seokjin's size.

namjoon felt the pain from not being prepped immediately. you think it would be easy from how much sex they've been having since they been on their honeymoon but nope.
it still hurt.

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