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~double update bc why not!~

namjoon woke up, his face snuggled up into jackson's neck.

jackson had a hand wrapped around his waist, holding namjoon's naked body close to his own naked body.

he blushed after remembering last night.

the sex was mind blowing but he blushed at the fact that jackson asked him out on a date. it was the first time he felt his heart flutter since jin asked him out. for the first time these past few weeks, he felt a little happy.

he still felt a little horny though...

with that in mind, he ran his hand all up and down jackson's toned body. rubbing his hand across his chest, down to his abs, down to his dick. he gripped jackson's dick and started stroking him.
"mm~ you want more baby?" jackson said, voice low and husky.

namjoon licked jackson's neck then sucked on it, leaving a mark on him, then nodded his head.
"yes, i want more"
"you have more condoms?" jackson asked. namjoon nodded and grabbed one and the lube from out of the nightstand.

he put the condom on jackson, then put some lube on his hand and stroked jackson's dick, covering it with lube. he wanted jackson right now.

jackson sat up as namjoon climbed in his lap, straddling him. he lined jackson up with his hole and slowly sunk down.
"ahh~" he moaned, resting his head on jackson's shoulder. jackson gripped namjoon's hips tightly.

the two had sweet vanilla sex. both not wanting to let the other go. this is the most special namjoon has ever felt in a year. jackson took his time with namjoon and even though he wanted to fuck into namjoon hard, he let namjoon take control, sensing that that's maybe what namjoon needed.

to be in control of things for once.

after their moment, they took a shower together and got dressed. namjoon dressed in some small shorts that stopped just above his knees, and a black shirt.

he had gave jackson some sweatpants that was too big for him and also a hoodie that was too big for him. luckily it fit jackson perfectly.

he walked jackson out.

unfortunately, he had to leave for work.
"don't look so down baby, I'll call you ok?" jackson said with a smile. namjoon nodded.
"don't be lying to me.."
"I'm not.. i go on break around 2, I'll call you as soon as i go on break ok?" he say and namjoon nod. jackson lean down some and kiss namjoon's cheek causing the said boy to blush.

they said their goodbyes and namjoon closed the door and sighed with a smile on his face. he turned around and jumped as jin was standing there leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"who was he?" was the first thing jin said. his voice was laced with anger and jealousy. honestly, it made namjoon shiver but he's not falling weak to jin anymore.

"good morning to you too." namjoon said.
"who was he namjoon?"
"why do you even care seokjin? last time i checked, we aren't together and who's fault is that?"
"i heard y'all last night."
"ok and?"

namjoon was getting irritated with this conversation. it wasn't going anywhere. jin was also pissing him off. they're not together so he has no right questioning namjoon.

"you could've been quieter you know.. sounding desperate." jin said. that actually hurt namjoon but he's not gonna show it.

"why're you mad? are you mad because it wasn't you fucking me last night? are you mad because another man was giving me the pleasure you couldn't? that's nobody's fault but yours seokjin! you're the one who decided to go out and cheat on me! you're the reason our relationship ended!"

namjoon shouted, eyes watering. he's so fed up with seokjin at this point.

"you know what.. why am i even explaining myself to you?! we aren't together and I'm a grown ass man who doesn't need to run everything by you! I'll do what the fuck i wanna do since that's what you decided to do and guess what seokjin.. you're gonna have to deal with it!"

and with that, he walked past seokjin and into his room, slamming the door.

well... ok then namjoon! jin better stop playing with him lol


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