twenty five.

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"maybe you should hear him out namjoon, before you just give up on him.."
"I'm just so tired jackson.. it's like one minute we're happy and the next, we're running into a problem and it's so annoying and tiring."

namjoon had ran into jackson while he was out on his daily walk. the two were now sitting in the park, just talking.
jackson had asked how things have been with him and seokjin and boy, his ears were in for it as he listened to all of what been happening with them recently.

"i understand joon but all relationships will go through problems and tests.. it's up to you and seokjin to work them out.. y'all need to be there for each other and hear each other out, listen to each other... you know sex plays a big part in this frustration and stuff that you're feeling.. when's the last time y'all had sex?" jackson asked.

namjoon blushed at that last statement.
him and seokjin hadn't done anything but just cuddle. they both been nervous to even initiate anything sexual.

"we.. w-we haven't.."
"really?! so the last time you had sex was when it was with me?"
"wow joon.. you need to get laid man.. maybe then you wouldn't feel so stressed and tense.."

namjoon knew jackson was somewhat right.
the only thing is..

he doesn't want to have sex with seokjin right now.
he doesn't want to do anything with anyone for that matter.
"i guess.. but i don't want to have sex with him.. or even anyone if I'm being honest.."
"joon.. you could always pleasure yourself.. get some toys or something and pleasure yourself. you don't always need someone to feel pleasure.."

jackson say and namjoon think about it.
maybe he should do that. maybe it'll help him loosen up and not be so upset and stressed.
the last time he had sex was almost two months ago now.

"yeah.. anyways, how're things with you and mark?"
"oh.. things are great! we finally made it official!"
"really?! that's great! I'm happy for you jackson!"
"thank you.. i wish i could say i was happy for you too but you and seokjin are going through something right now.."

namjoon sighed.
he wish him and seokjin were happy right now too but they aren't. hopefully they'll get to that point soon. he really would love to be with seokjin and be like how they used to be.

"that's ok.. hopefully me and seokjin will get over this small problem and will be happy"
"well.. I'm still here for you joonie.. whenever you need to talk.. and i told you to not be a stranger and you didn't call or text me." jackson say chuckling.

"well yeah because i didn't want to seem like a bother to you.."
"you could never be a bother to me joon.."

they both smile and hug each other.
both of them missed each other. no it's not in that kinda way, it's more of a way where you haven't seen your best friend in a long time and y'all finally see each other.
that's the type of way it is.

namjoon had took jackson's advice and decided to pleasure himself.
he's now home, naked, in the shower as he thrust a dildo in and out of him. he's trying his hardest not to moan loudly. he didn't know if jimin or seokjin was here.

although, having seokjin in the shower with him, fucking him as he held him against the wall, wasn't a bad idea, namjoon just didn't know if he was ready to have sex with seokjin.
so for now, he'll just think about seokjin fucking him.

he wonder if seokjin would still be able to fuck him like how he used to.
he wonders if seokjin still know all of the right spots to hit and touch like he used to.
wonders if seokjin could make him pass out like he did, multiple times before.

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