twenty six.

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"seokjin? y-you fell in love with seokjin?" namjoon ask and jimin nod his head.

"I'm sorry namjoon.. i-i couldn't help it.. i tried to get over those feelings b-but it's just so hard and being h-here isn't making things any better.. it breaks me every time i hear him talk about you..

the day i found out about him being in a relationship with you was the same day i planned to confess to him.. i-i had it all planned out.. i was s-supposed to invite him over and w-we were gonna have dinner.. i decorated my apartment all n-nice for him but... right before i could invite him over, he called me and told me everything that has been going on with y'all at the time...

namjoon I'm s-so sorry! i really thought h-he was single.. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. p-please don't hate me.." jimin say between his heart breaking sobs.

namjoon rush up, over to jimin and pull him into a hug. jimin wrap his arms around namjoon's torso, hugging him back just as tight, sobbing into namjoon's, techinally jin's, sweater.

"it's ok jimin.. i promise I'm not mad at you.. our hearts want who they want and it's not something we can pick and choose.. why don't you go get some rest.. I'll be here for you when you wake up.."

"w-why aren't you m-mad at me?"

"because what good is it gonna do me to be mad at you? you said you didn't know that seokjin was in a relationship so it's not your fault.. and even still, as i just said.. your heart is always gonna choose who it wants no matter what your mind say.. so these things isn't your fault.." namjoon say, giving jimin a soft dimple smile.

"y-you're too nice.. i wish there was more people like you in this cruel world.."

namjoon smiled.
he walked jimin to the guest and helped him get into bed, tucking him in. namjoon kissed jimin's forehead and was about to leave out until jimin called him.
"c-can you sleep with me? n-not like that.. i mean like just lay with me? at least until i fall asleep.."

namjoon nod and climbed into bed with jimin.
he let jimin cuddled up with him, resting his head on namjoon's chest as he hugged his torso.

the two ended up falling asleep, oblivious to the fact that seokjin had heard everything.
he had came back from work earlier today and when he came in, he heard namjoon and jimin talking.

it made him feel even more worse than what he already did.
not only did he hurt namjoon, he also hurt jimin.
he didn't know that jimin had caught feelings for him.

he sighed, feeling defeated..
nothing seemed to going good for him anymore.
all he keep doing is hurt people and he's tired of it.

maybe he should just take himself out of the equation.
maybe everyone would be happier if he wasn't around.

namjoon had woken up a few hours later.
he looked over and saw that jimin was still sleeping. he slid out of bed and replaced himself with a pillow.

he made his way out of the room, closing the door softly behind him, and turned only to come face to face with seokjin's bare chest.

he blushed and looked down.
"it's fine.. i was about to get in the shower, is everything ok?"
"yeah.. e-everything is fine.. c-can we talk when you're done showering?"
"of course.. give me like 15 minutes.."

namjoon nodded his head.
seokjin made his way into the bathroom and namjoon made his way into the kitchen to make some ramen.

once his ramen got done, he sat down at the table and ate his food.
just as he said, 15 minutes later, seokjin was done in the shower. he dried himself off and put his boxers and shorts on. he didn't really care too much for a shirt.

he made his way out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where namjoon was.
namjoon let out a small gasp when he saw seokjin with no shirt on. his hair still wet and dripping down onto bare chest.
he shook his head, shaking any nasty thoughts away before they came.

seokjin sat down across from namjoon.
"what's up?"
"um.. i just wanted to talk to you.. about us.."
"o-ok.." seokjin said getting a little nervous.

"i just wanted to say that... i think I'm ready..."
"for.. for what?"
"i think I'm ready.. to give us another shot.."

seokjin gasp. he didn't expect namjoon to say that. what he had been expecting was for namjoon to say that he was done and didn't want to be with seokjin anymore.

"i can't keep living in fear or thinking of when the next time you're gonna fuck up and do bad.. that's not a healthy relationship.. as i said before, it may take some time to trust you but... i think I'm ready.. you know as much as i know that i still love you..

i will not tolerate you doing anything of what you did before again.. if i start to see any signs of you being like how you were before, i promise you i will leave you so fast and not think twice about looking back."

"yes! yes, i understand! i promise it won't be like that joonie! are you really giving us another chance?" seokjin ask, excitedly. namjoon nod his head, smiling at how happy seokjin looks.

seokjin hop up out of his chair so fast and rush over to namjoon, pulling him into a hug. namjoon giggle and hug him back.
"can.. can i kiss you?"

seokjin waste no time as he pull namjoon closer by his waist, and connect their lips.
namjoon sigh as he kiss back, wrapping his arms around jin's neck.

this time, the kiss was so much better.
both equally wanted it. both felt that same spark of electricity run through their bodies. both felt as if everything around them moved in slow motion.

both were happy..

"gosh, joonie.. you don't know how happy i am that you decided not to give up on us.. i know i fucked up in the past but please know that i love you so much and that it'll never happen again baby.. i promise.."

namjoon smiled and nodded.
"seokjin.. you need to talk to jimin.. you hurt him a lot.. i know you heard our conversation earlier so you know why I'm telling you to talk to him.."

"is he still sleeping?.. i came to check on y'all like an hour or two ago, if you were wondering.."
"yes, he's still sleeping.."
"I'll talk to him tomorrow.. i promise.. can we cuddle?"

namjoon nodded.
that's how the two spent their night.
cuddling and kissing, missing each other. missing when they used to be like this before. the two know that things won't be so easy but they're willing to stay and work things out and fix their relationship.

the two slept in peace, for once.

yay! finally some cute namjin moments🥺 i love them!

they're finally back together! it may not be like how they want but they're still together🥰💜

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