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~unedited! seokjin is going soft guys🥺!~

seokjin woke up groaning.
he had a massive headache and he scolded himself for drinking so much. he's just been so stressed lately and decided to let loose and get drunk.

he ended up going to jimin's house yesterday. they were about to have sex but jin stopped him. he didn't feel right doing anything with anyone anymore.

not when all he wanted now was his joonie back.

him and jimin ended up just talking and pouring their hearts out to each other.

after jimin found out that jin cheated on his boyfriend with him, he was angry at jin and kicked him out. jimin isn't a home wrecker and if he would've known jin was already in a relationship, he would've never had sex or did anything with him.

he haven't talked to yoongi or hoseok ever since he told them what he did that day. his family is no good to him so he don't even talk to them and now namjoon is happy with another man.

he truly regrets everything he ever did to namjoon.

he remembers everything that happened last night. from him coming in drunk and seeing namjoon have two plates of food, which he assumed for him and jackson. he remembers namjoon telling him how dangerous it was to be driving drunk and then him telling namjoon how that pain wouldn't hurt as much as the pain he felt for hurting him.

he remembers namjoon taking him into his room and stripping him out of his clothes and tucking him in.

he remember asking namjoon to stay with him.
he remember crying about how stupid he was for what he did to namjoon.

he remember namjoon not saying nothing back to him and then he went to sleep.

he remembers it all...

now he feels how namjoon felt when everything went down.

he feels alone...

namjoon couldn't sleep much last night.

he couldn't get jin's words out of his head. he knew jin was drunk but people say that a drunken person speak sober thoughts so maybe jin has been meaning to say those things to him but just couldn't.

he looks over at jackson and smile.
jackson has made him so happy this past month. he doesn't want to lose jackson.

jackson has been so good to him and he can't lose him. not now because his mind is playing tricks on him about his ex that cheated on him.

he sighed and snuggled closer to jackson, wrapping his arms around his waist. jackson let out a soft sigh and pulled namjoon closer to him.
"is everything ok? you seem tense.." jackson said, eyes still closed. namjoon hummed.
"everything's fine jackie.. you can go back to sleep if you want."
"are you sure?"
"yup! I'll be here when you wake up.. well i might be in the living trying to order us breakfast.." namjoon giggled. jackson let out a soft chuckle.
"ok baby.."

namjoon smiled and got up, letting jackson turn over. he hugged the pillow that namjoon was using and went back to sleep.

namjoon left out the room, closing the door softly and making his way into the kitchen. once he got there, he was met with seokjin sitting in one of the barstools they had at the counter, with his head in his hands.

he figured he had a hangover from last night.

he got a cup from out of the cabinet, put some water in and got two painkillers from the door they kept them in, just in case, and slid the cup to jin and put the painkillers in front of him.

jin looked up at namjoon then to the cup and painkillers.
"thank you" jin said softly. he put the painkillers in his mouth and drank the water.

namjoon looked through the drawers for restaurant menus. he stopped when he heard jin though.

"oh and good morning" jin said calmly. it caught namjoon by surprise because jin usually doesn't speak to him.
"g-good morning"

the kitchen became silent. it wasn't comfortable and it wasn't necessarily awkward. it was weird because this was the first time jin actually spoke to him.

"i know things haven't been right between us lately but.. i just wanted to say that I'm sorry about everything that I've done.. i know you may never trust me again but i really am sorry.. i don't know what i can do to ever make it up to you but... never mind. please know that I'm sorry namjoon and i truly hope jackson makes you happy and treat you like you deserve.. treat you way better than i ever did.."

namjoon didn't know what to say.. he was left there shocked.

he succeeded in making jin regret cheating on him and treating him like shit but now he feels like shit.

he heard the hurt and the pain laced in jin's voice and that hurt him.

but once again, he wanted jackson.

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