thirty seven.

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"wow... limping and hickeys.. y'all definitely went in last night!" jackson said as him and mark walked in the cabin.
namjoon just shook his head and laughed. "all night and all morning" he said.
"that's what I'm talking about!" jackson said as he patted namjoon's back.

"jackie, you're annoying" mark said as he chuckled.
namjoon loved the fact that him and jackson were literally like best friends now. they could talk about anything, even their past situation, and laugh and joke about it.

everyone was here already, jackson and mark was the last to get there.
the three made their way inside of the living room area where everyone else were.
"hey jackson and mark! glad y'all could make it!" seokjin said as he got up to shake both of their hands.
"thank you for inviting us! we needed a vacation" mark said as he shook seokjin's hand.

"i think the only room left is the one at the end of the hall on your right.. all the rooms are big though so" seokjin said.
"one question.. can we have sex here?" jackson asked.
"oh, of course! the walls are sound proof so go at it as much as you want"
"mark.. let's go" jackson said as he pulled a blushing mark down the hall and to the room seokjin said was for them.

"hyung, you told me the walls weren't sound proof the last time we were here" hobi said.
"at the time, they weren't but they are now... i got the walls redone in here" jin said as he sat down on the couch and pulled namjoon into his lap.

joon wrapped his arms around jin's shoulders and rested his head in the crook of jin's neck.
"i love you jinnie" namjoon whispered in seokjin's ear.
"i love you too baby, so much" seokjin said. he pecked namjoon's lips and smiled. namjoon smiled back at him.

seokjin, namjoon, and jimin were now in the market getting food to cook for the week.
jimin came because he wanted to talk to them about something. he wanted to tell them the situation with him and jungkook.

"so are y'all ok?" namjoon asked.
"yes.. we're not officially together but we're together.. but i wanted to ask y'all something.." jimin said.
"what's wrong?" seokjin asked as he pushed the shopping cart.
"does a three-way relationship sound good?" jimin asked.

him and jungkook talked some time last week about them.
jungkook asked him what he thought about having a poly relationship with him and taehyung. jungkook's feelings for both of them was just too strong to let one of them go.

jimin said he'd think about it. him and taehyung have hung out a lot recently and he can't deny that taehyung is very handsome and is a good guy.
he also found out that taehyung liked him as well.

he thought it would be cool to have two boyfriends but he needed advice before doing this.
he didn't want to make the wrong decision.

"wait, you're talking about you, kookie and taehyung?" seokjin asked and jimin nodded.
"he told me that his feelings were too strong for the both of us and asked if we could try being in a three-way relationship.. i told him that I'll think about it"

"well, what do you want to do chim? the choice is yours and yours to make only.. all we can do is support the decision you make.. if both of them make you happy then go for it" namjoon said and jin nodded in agreement.

"they do make me happy, I'm just... I'm scared.. what if i get hurt again?" jimin said sounding a little sad.
"I'm gonna tell you what a good friend of mine told me... have faith.. don't hurt yourself thinking about the past.. have faith in the present and let the future play itself out" seokjin said as he pat jimin on his back.

jimin smiled, feeling a little encouraged by seokjin's words. he nodded his head, knowing his answer.

after getting back in the house, jimin went to talk with jungkook and taehyung while namjoon went to take a nap.
he wanted jin to come with him but jin said he need to check on something first.

he wanted to talk to jackson.
which is how he ended up outside, away from everyone, as him and jackson talked.
"thank you for coming out here and talking to me, i know things haven't always been the best between us but I'd like to think we're friends now so.." seokjin said and jackson nodded.

"yeah, we are friends.. what's going on though? it seems like something is bothering you" jackson said. seokjin sighed.
"so, i bought a house for me and namjoon.. i plan for us to move in next saturday but.. i also plan to propose to him that day and I'm inviting you and mark to come" seokjin said causing jackson to gasp.
"seriously?! of course we'll be there! just send me the address and time and I'll make sure I'm off of work" jackson said and seokjin nodded.

"I'm so happy for y'all! to watch y'all go through so much and then be where y'all are now is amazing! you better be good to my best friend or i won't hesitate to beat your ass.. don't make him your husband and then start treating him bad again." jackson said.

seokjin violently shook his head. "i won't, i promise! i love him too much" seokjin said.

after their talk, the two made their way back inside. jackson went to go find mark and seokjin made his way into his and joon's room.
he smiled once he saw namjoon sleeping, cuddled up with the pillow.

he stripped out of his clothes, leaving him in nothing but his boxers, and climbed in bed, replacing the pillow with himself.
namjoon whined lowly from being woken up but then he snuggled up with seokjin, resting his head on his chest and hugging his torso.

"shhh.. go back to sleep baby" seokjin whispered as he played in namjoon's hair.
eventually, he drifted off to sleep himself.

that week, the couples all had so much fun being together.
they laughed, they joked around, they went shopping together, they went hiking together- namjoon's request-, they did everything.
oh, and a lot of love making happened during the week.

everything was back to normal for everyone.

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