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namjoon rushed to yoongi's house.
well jackson drove him after he came back from picking taehyung up and dropping him off.

"joon, please tell me what's going on. i can tell you're feeling frightened and it's making me nervous baby.."
"my b-best friend.. i think h-he's trying to hurt himself."
"oh my god. we have to find him! is it your roommate??"

namjoon only nodded. jackson figured that maybe namjoon and his roommate were closer than what they seemed. he sensed it when he first saw seokjin.
he'd have to ask joon about it later.
right now isn't a good time.

they made it to yoongi's house and namjoon knocked on the door. moments later, yoongi opened it.
you can see it all in his face that he's scared and worried.

yoongi and jin has been best friends for so long now. they've been best friends since middle school. no matter what happened, jin has always been there for yoongi. although jin did stupid shit, he was always there for yoongi no matter what.

he was there when yoongi would have panic attacks, he was there when yoongi got kicked out of his home.
he was there when yoongi needed a shoulder to cry on, seokjin would hold him all night long and tell him how everything was gonna be ok.

seokjin has always been there for yoongi and now yoongi is scared that he's gonna lose his best friend.
they've been kinda harsh on seokjin lately.

it's what he deserved because of what he did but they didn't take it caused seokjin this much pain.
he's really been bottling everything up and keeping it all in.

"guys, this is jackson. jackson, these are my friends yoongi and hobi."
"it's nice to meet you both yoongi-ssi and hobi-ssi."
"same to you jackson" hobi said.

"so, the last time you guys talked to jin hyung is when he sent that message??" namjoon asked.
"y-yes joon.. my god, I'm so scared.. what if he.. if he hurt himself.. oh god, i-i can't lose him joon.. h-he's my best friend.. he's always been t-there for me-"
"hey hey, it's ok baby, we're gonna find him ok? just breathe and calm down for me please? can you do that for me?" hobi spoke with a soft tone. yoongi nodded and tried breathing in and out. "take your time baby, look at me.." the two made eye contact and yoongi breathed slower, catching his breath.

after he regained his breath, he sobbed into hobi's shirt.
"seokie.. i-i can't lose him"
"we're not gonna lose him baby, we'll find him ok?" yoongi nodded at hobi's words.

"guys, i have an idea of where he might be!" namjoon said.
"r-really?!" yoongi said.
"yes, jackson come on! yoongi and hobi, you guys follow us!" namjoon said, pulling jackson outside.

when they arrived, they parked their cars and got out.
they saw that they were at a cliff. it was discreet and wasn't very known to people. it was one of them places you would randomly find.
kinda like a secret hideout.
only jin and namjoon knew about this place because jin took him here on a date once. they also used to come from time to time.

the place was beautiful and it looked over the city of Seoul. the lights lit up because it was night time.

they looked ahead and saw seokjin sitting on a huge rock with a bottle of soju in his hand. he was staring out at the beautiful city in front of him.

yoongi was about to run to his best friend but namjoon stopped him.
"i think it's better if i talk to him..." yoongi gave namjoon a look and namjoon gave him pleading eyes, "... please yoongs? i promise everything will be ok.."

yoongi nodded his head and hugged his boyfriend. namjoon gave jackson and quick glance and a smile. jackson smiled back and encouraged namjoon to go talk to his best friend/roommate/ex lover.

namjoon walked up and sat down next to jin, both of their legs dangling off the cliff.
"haven't been here in a long time.."
"yeah, i know right.."
"you mind telling me what brought you here?"
"just... thinking of old times where everything was good."

namjoon knew seokjin was trying his hardest to keep the tears in. he saw seokjin's eyes watering and it made his heart hurt but he needs seokjin to let it out. he needs him to cry so he could feel better afterwards.

"jin... you know you can't lie to me.. what's really wrong right now?" jin let out a sad sigh.
"i... i'm so stupid namjoon.." and the waterworks started, "... i messed up everything! I'm such a horrible person. i hurt you when i promised two years ago, right here, to never do so.."

namjoon remembered that. it was when him and jin first started dating. jin asked him out right at this very spot.

".. you're the only one who treated me with kindness, care, and love.. and yet i fucked you over. i don't deserve to be here anymore namjoon."
"kim seokjin, don't say that! everything is gonna be ok. we may not be together anymore but I'm here for you, you know you'll never lose me no matter how mad i am with you.. what you did really hurt and broke me, yes, but please don't beat yourself up over this.. I'm ok jin. everything is gonna be ok, ok??" namjoon spoke softly, while rubbing jin's back.

"y-you don't hate me too?" jin said, sniffing and wiping tears out of his eyes which was no use since they kept coming.
"no i don't hate you.. i was mad at you, yes, but you know i could never hate you"

seokjin smiled a smile that made his eyes disappear. it pulled at namjoon's heart in a good way. he hasn't seen that smile in so long.
"i think we should go back now, you had us all worried." namjoon said, standing up. jin followed and stood up as well.
"who's us?" he asked and namjoon pointed to yoongi, hobi and jackson.

yoongi finally run up and hug jin. jin hug him back and let yoongi cry into his shirt.
"hyung, you fucking scared me! y-you wouldn't answer my messages"
"i know, I'm sorry.. i left my phone at home without even thinking.. I'm sorry yoongs.. you don't hate me do you??"
"n-no.. i could never! you're my best friend" yoongi said and jin smiled.

they walked towards the two cars, where hobi and jackson stood. jin smiled at hobi and hobi smiled back. he nodded his head at jackson with a grateful smile and jackson nodded back.

"can we go home? I'm tired.." jin asked.
"yeah but... i don't see your car out here, how'd you get here?" namjoon asked.
"oh i caught the bus and walked the rest of the way.."

"my goodness jin.." namjoon said, shaking his head.

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