thirty eight.

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AN: this chapter is much longer than usual and brace yourself! i cried writing this🥺❤️
also, it may be some spelling errors lol

today's the day!
seokjin has been so nervous all morning. it's finally saturday again. the day they move into their new house and the day seokjin propose to namjoon.

him and jimin had met up like an hour ago to make sure the decorations was still perfect at the house.
everything was still perfect.
now, the only thing that was left was to take namjoon out on a nice date and then bring him to the house and propose.

he also had one more surprise that he was saving for last. he knew joonie was gonna be so happy.

seokjin made his way home.
when he got home, he was met with the sight of namjoon eating ice cream on the couch, with his legs crossed as he scrolled through his phone. he smiled at how cute namjoon looked.

he walked over to namjoon and wrapped his arms around his shoulders from behind.
he kissed namjoon's cheek causing the boy to blush.
"i want some" seokjin said as he opened his mouth for namjoon to feed him.

namjoon scooped some of his ice cream up on his spoon and fed it to seokjin.
"thanks baby" seokjin said as he finished the ice cream. he pecked namjoon's lips and moved.
"why'd you move? you're so warm" namjoon whined.
seokjin chuckled. "because, I'm taking you on a date so i want you to get dressed" he said.

"wait really? but it's saturday, i thought date night was yesterday.." namjoon said.
"it was but we couldn't go on a date yesterday so i wanna make it up to you and take you out today"
namjoon smiled and got up. he put his ice cream bowl in the sink after he was finish with it and the made his way to his and jin's room.

jin followed and changed his clothes himself. namjoon got in the shower first and then dressed in a oversized white dress shirt and some black slacks. he left the top two buttons open on his shirt, thinking he looked sexy today.
he made his way out into the living room and saw jin dressed. he gasped.
jin was dressed similar to him except his shirt was black and he had black jeans. the top button on his shirt was open as well but that's not what caught namjoon's attention.

what caught his attention was the fact that seokjin was wearing a choker.
"oh my fuck me seokjin! you look hot baby!" namjoon said causing jin to get flustered and blush.
"you look hot too baby!" seokjin said, taking in how good his baby look.

"you look hot too baby!" seokjin said, taking in how good his baby look

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"yeah, i definitely want it rough tonight daddy" namjoon said.
"whatever you want my sexy baby" seokjin said as he pulled namjoon closer by his waist. he connected their lips, kissing namjoon slow, lovingly, and passionately.
"i love you"
"i love you too joonie.. should we get going?" seokjin asked and namjoon nodded. he pecked namjoon's lips one more time before he laced their fingers and they walked out the door.

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