forty two- epilogue prt1

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"jimin and tae, y'all should've seen how i had your boyfriend whining and begging for more after i fucked him" seokjin said.

3 years later, jungkook finally got the night he wanted with seokjin but it didn't go as planned.
he thought he was gonna be the one to top but.. last night, he found himself submitting to seokjin and bottoming.
it all happened too fast! seokjin had him pushed up against the wall while he was choking him and jungkook moaned. right there, jin knew he had him.

no, he didn't cheat.
namjoon knew he had sex with jungkook.
in fact, namjoon gave him the ok to do so. he trusted seokjin a lot now. their relationship have grown so so much stronger than before.

namjoon, honestly, did grow nervous after their first year of being married but seokjin has proved that this time, he was here to stay.

"yeah, yeah.. i didn't beg" jungkook said as he sat down, wincing.
" 'ah fuck me hyung! m-more, more, pl-please~' that wasn't you?" seokjin said, mocking jungkook.

jungkook rolled his eyes and jin laughed.
"aww it's ok baby.. you're still my top" taehyung said as he kissed jungkook's cheek.

"hyung, where's namjoon?" jimin asked.
"he's at the shop, working.. speaking of, let me go, i have to go get my baby from work.." seokjin said as he got up from the couch and grabbed his car keys.

technically, they were namjoon's keys since he driving namjoon's car.
his car broke down on him and he didn't feel like taking it to the shop so he just drives namjoon's car for right now.

they ended up finally finishing up and opening the flower shop.
namjoon was so happy to finally see his mother's dream coming to life. his aunt amelia even worked with him.

she ended up quitting her real estate job and working with namjoon, helping him run the flower shop. both of them wanting to be closer to each other.
things were finally going as planned and both seokjin and namjoon couldn't be any happier.

now in the car, seokjin made his way to the flower shop. he parked outside and looked to his right. he was able to see namjoon and amelia talking.
they were getting ready to close down.

he got out of the car and made his way inside of the flower shop.
namjoon looked up when he heard the bells on the door and smiled widely when he saw seokjin walking towards him. he made his way over and hugged seokjin, wrapping his arms around his husband's torso. seokjin hugged him back.

they shared a loving kiss and smiled at each other.
"hey baby, you look beautiful as always" seokjin said and namjoon blushed.
"hey jinnie.. how'd it go with jungkook?" namjoon asked and seokjin shrugged.

"it was good but he's not you.. are you sure you were really ok with that? it's never gonna happen again, I'm just making sure you're really fine with it because if not then I'm really sorry.. omg, why would i do that? I'm so stupid-" seokjin said, going into a mini state of panic.

his mind went right back to four years ago when namjoon hated him and he almost lost him and he got scared.
namjoon giggled at seokjin's panicked state. now, namjoon laugh because seokjin gets so scared that namjoon will leave him if he do any little thing wrong. it's honestly comedy to namjoon.

he loves the fact that seokjin, still to this day, is trying to prove to namjoon that he's sorry and that he's not going nowhere. even though namjoon forgave him years ago. hell, he married him so that should've said that he forgave him right there.
seokjin is still being cautious though.

"jinnie, it's ok. i promise. I'm the one who gave you the ok to do anything with jungkook and besides.. at the end of the day, you come home to me, you're my husband not his, you're mine and mine only" namjoon said and seokjin nodded.
"I'm all yours baby and you're mines" seokjin said. they shared and passionate kiss which turned into a make out session.

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