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AN: I'm sad🥺 the next chapter is the last chapter🥺 there'll be an epilogue tho so don't worry guys❤️
-may be some spelling errors as always😭

7 months, a lot of wedding planning, stressful days and nights, and wedding rehearsals later, today was finally the day of the wedding.

everything recently has been great for the couple.
granted, they did have little arguments here and there but it wasn't nothing they couldn't fix.
the arguments were little petty arguments like who ate who's food, or who's night is it to do the dishes.

it was the little stuff like that that let the couple know that no matter what, they'll be ok.
they'll always have each other no matter what.

seokjin was so nervous right now.
he stood in front of the mirror inside of the beach house they rented, checking himself out. they're doing a beach wedding so they don't have suits on.

jimin thought about doing a beach wedding.
seokjin didn't really like any other ideas jimin had because he wanted to be different than what everyone else does.
he loved it when jimin came up with a beach wedding idea. namjoon loved it too.

"hyung, are you excited?" jimin asked. he finds it funny that seokjin is so nervous right now. he's happy for seokjin though.

"I'm very excited but I'm also very nervous... I'm scared chim" seokjin say, "what if he realizes that he doesn't want to marry me and leave me?" he add.

"don't think like that hyung.. joonie hyung loves you so much and can't wait to be married to you" jimin say, giving seokjin a smile.
seokjin nod his head, sighing. he give jimin a smile back, "yeah.. above all of my nervousness, I'm really happy" he say, smiling to himself in the mirror.

jimin smile back.
"I'm happy for you too hyung.. you guys made it through all of the obstacles y'all faced and is now getting married.. I'm really happy for y'all!" jimin said. seokjin smiled and gave him a hug. he hugged back, smiling.
he's lucky that after everything, him and seokjin ended up being the best of friends.

"come on, it's time for you to go get married!" jimin say, excitedly pulling seokjin out of the beach house.

namjoon on the other hand, was so nervous that he was visibly shaking.
"calm down joon, everything is gonna be fine!" jackson say, chuckling at namjoon's nervousness.
"I'm scared jackson.. what if he realize that he doesn't want me anymore?" namjoon said.

"oh please! joon, seokjin hyung don't want anyone else but you.. i see the way he looks at you, the way he holds you, the way he talks about you, everything joon.. you're his whole world and i guarantee that he'll never got tired of you.. he fucked up before but it doesn't look like he's ever gonna do it again.. he better not but still!" jackson say.
namjoon smile at his words. he feels the exact same way about seokjin.

"how do i look?" namjoon asked.
"you look good joon! now let's go! your man is waiting for you!" jackson say as he pull namjoon.

namjoon nervously follow jackson as they make their way out of their separate beach house.
they make their way to the beach and see everyone standing.

(an: i know nothing of how weddings work so i apologize in advance lol)

his heart soared with so much love when he saw seokjin standing up at the alter. he smiled and his eyes watered.

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