forty three- epilouge (final)

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"seokjin, n-not right now! the kids will hear us" namjoon said, pushing his husband away as he kissed all up and down his neck.
"but joonie, i want you so bad right now" seokjin said, voice husky and laced with seduction.

namjoon was honestly so tempted to give in but he was so scared for the kids to hear them and be scarred. namjoon isn't afraid to admit that he's loud when it comes to him and seokjin having sex. he's not ashamed either. he knows that it makes seokjin's pride grow bigger when he's loud because then, seokjin will know that he's really pleasing namjoon just like how he like it. it also makes namjoon feel really good knowing that after all this time, seokjin can still please him and leave him absolutely fucked out.

"jinnie, we can't.. go jerk off or something" namjoon said.
"can you at least do it for me? your hands feel so much better when jerking me off" seokjin said. namjoon sighed and gave in.

that's how he ended up in the bathroom, on his knees while jerking seokjin off. they had to hurry though. namjoon didn't know why seokjin was so horny but he guessed it must've been because they haven't had sex in a while ever ether adopted their two children.

almost a year ago now, namjoon had brought up wanting children and to start a family with seokjin. seokjin took it differently than namjoon expected him to. he expected seokjin to be against the idea but he wasn't.

now, they have two beautiful children. allison and nathan. allison is 4 and nathan is 8. they love their two children with all of their hearts. they couldn't imagine life without them.

namjoon wanted his children to be biological but he couldn't ask for better kids than the ones they have.

"ahh f-fuck joon!" seokjin moaned as he came all over namjoon's face and chest without warning "shit, I'm sorry babe" he said as he realized that he just came all over namjoon's face.

"it's ok baby" namjoon said as he grabbed a washcloth, wet it and wiped his face and chest.

just then, a knock on the door was heard "papa? is everything ok? i heard you yell" they heard nathan say.

seokjin hurried and pulled his boxers and pants back up "y-yes! I'm ok sweets! i just hit my toe on the sink" seokjin said back to his son.

"oh ok.. well can you come make lunch please? I'm hungry"

"I'll be right out sweets!" namjoon quietly giggled, seeing seokjin so frightened, wondering if nathan was gonna burst through the door.

luckily, namjoon's 148 IQ kicked in and he locked the door.

the two shared a quick but passionate kiss before they make their way out of the bathroom. namjoon went to check on allison while seokjin head downstairs where he see nathan sitting in the living room with his tablet, watching cartoons.

yeah, that was the only thing he asked namjoon and seokjin for when they got adopted. of course they still spoiled him with other things but he loves that tablet the most.

"nathan baby, why do you love that tablet so much? it was the only thing you asked me and joon for" seokjin ask as he sit down next to the boy.

"well, because, my real eomma and appa told me that they were going to get me tablet the day they dropped me off at the orphanage and they never came back to get me. i was sad because i really wanted a tablet and i also didn't know why they just left me alone. when you and appa got me a tablet, it made me so happy so, i love it so much because it shows that someone loves and care for me. you and appa saved me life when you guys adopted me and i love y'all so much and i cherish this tablet because it lets me know that someone actually came back for me and loves me" nathan said.

seokjin may or may not had tears in his eyes. yeah, he most definitely did. he pulled nathan into a hug and nathan instantly hugged him back, wrapping his small arms around seokjin's torso.

"baby, me and joonie love you so much! we'll never leave you ok? anything you want, don't ever be afraid to ask, me and joonie will definitely get it for you. you're our son and we're a family sweets. no matter what, we'll always love you and be here for you ok?" seokjin softly said. nathan nodded his head and smiled.

"hey, what about me papa?" seokjin turned and saw allison and namjoon standing there.

"aww come here! you know we love you too my princess!" seokjin say and allison smile and run over to seokjin, jumping in his lap, joining the hug. he kiss both of their foreheads causing the two to giggle.

namjoon watches with so much love and adoration for his two children and his husband. he couldn't ask for a better family.

"ok! what do my babies want for lunch?" seokjin ask.

"DINO NUGGIES!" both, allison and nathan, shout at the same time. seokjin and namjoon laugh "and french fries!" allison add.

"alright, let's go make it! go to the kitchen and wait for me please?" seokjin say and both kids nod, getting up and running to the kitchen.

seokjin get up and make his way over to his husband. he pull namjoon into a hug. namjoon hug back, wrapping his arms around seokjin's torso.

namjoon looked up at seokjin, smiling at him. seokjin smiled back and pecked his lips.

"i love you so much baby"

"i love you too" namjoon said. seokjin smiled and pecked namjoon's lips again.

"ewwww! they kiss kiss!" they heard allison say. the two laughed at their daughter and made their way into the kitchen to make lunch for their children.

the rest of the day was spent with each other. they took the kids to the park, got them ice cream and even took them shopping for new toys.

seokjin had cooked dinner once they got back home. afterwards they got the kids bathed and dressed for bed. they let them watch some cartoons before going to bed.

the two husbands stayed up, cuddling on the couch, watching movies.

they ended their night by going back into their bedroom, locking the door, and making love. this time is much more passionate than lustful needing. it was much mor gentle than rough. multiple kisses and 'i love you' was shared. the feeling of pure ecstasy, both feeling like they were high off of some type of drug. that drug being each other. a drug that they'll gladly take.

after their love making, they took a bath for about an hour and then dressed in their pajamas and made their way to bed. they fell asleep, cuddled up.

namjoon's head resting on seokjin's chest and seokjin's arms wrapped, protectively, around his husband as they slept.





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