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~i went through this chapter and edited some stuff but there still may be some errors!~

jin sat in the backseat of jackson's car.
namjoon, obviously in the passenger seat while jackson drove.

it was a comfortable silence.
jin eventually ended up falling asleep, leaving jackson and namjoon woke.
it gave jackson time to talk to namjoon.

once jackson looked in the rear view mirror and saw that seokjin was sleep, he spoke softly, talking to namjoon.

"correct me if I'm wrong but.. you two seem to be more than just best friends and roommates.. sorry if I'm intruding.." namjoon sighed at jackson's words.
"no, it's ok... we, we used to date but we broke up.."
"oh ok.."
"I'm sorry if that weirded you out or made you wanna stop talking to me.."
"oh no! it didn't! I'm not gonna stop talking to you joon.. i wasn't lying to you when i said i really liked you, i don't care about past relationships or anything.. right now, we're in the present and i know for sure that i want you"

namjoon found himself blushing and smiling at jackson's words. jackson really made namjoon feel happy and special.

they were both oblivious to the fact that seokjin wasn't sleep.
he was just resting his eyes.
he heard everything and this time, instead of feeling jealous and angry, he actually felt genuinely happy for namjoon.

if it meant him staying out of namjoon's way and letting him be happy, then so be it.
he would do anything to make sure namjoon was happy.. even if that meant letting him go.

the next morning, jin woke up with a slight headache.
he drunk way too much soju.
they made it home safely last night. no words were said between the three except goodnight.

jackson had stayed over with namjoon.

jin got up out of bed with nothing but boxers and a tank top on, and made his way to the kitchen. he didn't expect to see jackson sitting in the living room.

they made eye contact and jin immediately blushed because he was still in his boxers, in front of namjoon's soon to be boyfriend.

"i-i'm sorry... you don't mind that i walk around like this do you??" jin asked and jackson chuckled.
"no, it's your house man, why would i mind??"

it fell into a silence between the two.
both men not knowing what to say to each other since they weren't really close or friends for that matter.

"hey jackson?"
"i'm really sorry for the way i act towards you when you first came around and even now.. I've been a dick to you and you don't deserve it so i truly apologize."
"don't sweat it man, it's ok.. no hard feelings. i really hope we can be friends though"
"yeah, yeah we can be friends.. just please don't hurt namjoon. he's been hurt enough by me and he doesn't deserve to go through it again so please take care of him"

jackson smiled and nodded.

namjoon heard it..
he had woken up and saw that jackson wasn't in the bed with him so he got up to see where he was. he heard talking so he left his room, quietly and saw jin standing in the middle of the floor with nothing but boxers and a tank top.

now, he did blush at the sight..

he hasn't seen jin's sexy, thick thighs and long legs in a long time and the sight made him blush and feel hot.
looking at jin, only boxers like that, made him feel things.
he saw the tent in jin's boxers from his soft dick sitting there, because he wore tight boxer briefs, and he imagined it being hard.

he can't deny the fact that seokjin is the only one who ever made him feel hot, needy, and aroused without even doing anything.
just a simple look from jin and namjoon wanted him.
or in this case, just jin simply standing there in nothing but boxers and a tank top and joon wanted him.

but... jackson???

shaking those thoughts away, namjoon stopped when he heard jin apologizing to jackson.
it made him smile.

he almost teared up when he heard when he heard jin tell jackson to treat him good and not to hurt him.
after they finished talking, that's when he made his way into the living room, acting as if he just woke up.

"you left me in there alone jackson" he said, whining as he sat down next to him and snuggled up in his side.
"I'm sorry baby, i came out here to see what i can cook for you but then i didn't wanna just go through y'all's stuff so i sat down to wait for one of y'all to come out here and ask but then seokjin started talking to me"

both jin and namjoon chuckled at how jackson rambled on.

"it's fine, you could've cooked anything in there and please, call me jin" jackson nodded at jin's words.

after they all ate breakfast, jin had said he was going out to see yoongi and namjoon felt horny...
the reason why he was feeling horny shall not be spoken of.

which is how he and jackson got here..

"ahh! pl-please jackie! harder!"
"you like it when i fuck you like this don't you baby"
"y-yes! yes! yes! fa-faster please!" namjoon said in between moans.

jackson gave in and started thrusting harder and faster. moments later, jackson pulled out, much to namjoon's demise, and flipped him over so that he was now on his back.

namjoon lifted his legs and spread them farther apart, giving jackson easier access. jackson wasted no time and thrusted into him.
"ahh fuck!" namjoon moaned from both the pain and pleasure.

jackson continued his abuse on namjoon's hole, stretching him out. namjoon grabbed ahold of jackson's shoulders, gripping tightly as he threw his head back.
"I'm c-close! t-touch me ja-ackie please!" namjoon moaned.

jackson wrapped his hand around namjoon's dick and stroked him, matching his pace. moments later, namjoon was letting out a high pitched moan as he came all over his stomach and hand. jackson continued to fuck into namjoon and moments later, he was cumming into the condom he had on.

after their moment, the two got washed up and spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies.

what namjoon didn't mention though, was that while he and jackson were having sex, he couldn't stop thinking of jin...

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