thirty six.

757 38 7

AN: ^this is the cabin house!!❤️

seokjin had to think of something and think of something fast.

namjoon was starting to get suspicious of him. seokjin kept leaving and going places and namjoon started to ask where he was going.
he didn't want to make namjoon nervous but he didn't know what to do also.

he kept leaving because he was furnishing the house so they didn't have to do it when they finally moved in.
everything was done now and everything was furnished so they could move in whenever they wanted to but seokjin and jimin still had their plan so.

him and jimin- once everything was finished and fully furnished- decorated the house and the outside of the house for when he proposed to namjoon.
they just got finished decorating everything today so now everything really was ready.

the only issue now, was making sure namjoon didn't find out or wasn't thinking the wrong thing.
"joonie, let's go back to the cabin house for the week.." seokjin said as him and namjoon sat in the kitchen eating lunch.

"i don't know, it'll be fun.. we could spend time together, we could go on hikes, biking, we could have all the sex you want.. we could even invite our friends" seokjin said.

namjoon smiled. he nodded his head, thinking that was a good idea.

after their lunch, they packed up some clothes for the week and made their way out to jin's car.
"should we call our friends and tell them to meet us there?" seokjin asked as they buckled up and he started the car.

"not right now.. you said we could have all the sex i want so i want to fuck all night long.. they can come tomorrow" namjoon said and jin smirked.
"you're the boss baby" seokjin said as they pulled off.

an hour later, they finally reached the cabin house.
namjoon made his way inside as seokjin got their bags from the trunk of his car.
"jinnie, I'm hungry.. can you cook something?" namjoon asked as jin walked in.
"sure but i think we're gonna have to run to the store.. the last time we were here was a month ago so the stuff in there might be bad by now.." seokjin said and namjoon groaned and whined.

"well, can we get takeout then?" namjoon asked and seokjin chuckled.
"yeah, but we're still gonna have to go to the market"
"ugh, fine let's just go now and get it out the way" namjoon said as he walked out the door and back to seokjin's car.

seokjin chuckled and shook his head at namjoon. namjoon was cute when he was throwing a little tantrum.
he went and put their bags down in their room and made his way back outside to his car.

"can we hurry up please?" namjoon asked.
"what's the rush baby?" seokjin asked.
"I'm hungry and i want some dick" seokjin chuckled at namjoon.
"so you're hangry and horny.. aww, you'll get food and some dick later.. be patient baby" seokjin said and namjoon whined.

"ahh s-seokjin! keep going! keep going! harder~" namjoon moaned as seokjin fucked him from behind.

they ended up going back inside and obviously fucking. seokjin didn't want to keep namjoon waiting and to be honest, he got horny himself from hearing namjoon whine.

they didn't even go to the market yet, seokjin just turned the car off and they went inside.
now, here they were, in their bedroom, namjoon on his knees with his face in the pillows as seokjin mercilessly fucked into him.
"you feel so good baby" seokjin groaned.
"f-fuck! you're s-so deep!" namjoon screamed as seokjin rammed into his prostate.

seokjin held off from fucking namjoon roughly every time they had sex but this time, he couldn't hold off.
he slapped namjoon's ass a few times, loving how namjoon screamed and moaned every time he did it.
"pl-please jinnie! please!" namjoon moaned.

"please what baby?"
"g-go faster! so so deep~" namjoon moaned. seokjin obeyed and went faster and even harder.
he pulled out, much to namjoon's demise, and flipped namjoon over so that now he was on his back.

seokjin pushed namjoon's legs against his chest.
"hold your legs for me baby" seokjin said and namjoon grabbed his legs, holding them apart for him.
seokjin thrust back inside of namjoon, hard.
"FUCK YES~" namjoon moaned as seokjin wasted no time and started his abuse, fucking namjoon hard and fast

"what's my name baby" seokjin said, thinking about to how they used to be.
it turned namjoon on even more hearing this.
"D-DADDY! FUCK ME DADDY~" namjoon screamed. he couldn't hold it anymore and came untouched.

he let go of his legs and wrapped them around seokjin's waist as he gripped onto seokjin's forearms.
"I'm close baby"
"pl-please give it to me daddy!" namjoon moaned.

seokjin leaned down and kissed namjoon. namjoon kissed back obviously. seokjin thrusted harder and faster. a few moments later, he was releasing inside of namjoon with a groan.

they continued to kiss as seokjin's dick twitched a few more times, inside of namjoon, releasing his semen.
he pulled out of namjoon and lay next to him.
"that was amazing baby" seokjin said as he panted.
"it was" namjoon said with a smile on his face.
"now can we go to the market?" seokjin asked.
"I'm tired now.."
"I'll just order takeout and have it delivered, we'll go to the market tomorrow before the guys get here" seokjin said as he laughed.
"ok, we'll go tomorrow" namjoon said, nodding his head in agreement.

he was way too tired and sore to be walking around right now.

as of now, the two sat in the kitchen after showering. both boys were only in their boxers.
they didn't really care for clothes since they were the only ones there right now.
then again...
they wouldn't of cared if they guys was there or not.

seokjin ended up ordering chinese takeout for tonight. he wasn't mad, he was tired himself after the sex him and joonie had not too long ago.
"you know, you're so adorable the way you eat so proper.." seokjin said as he watched namjoon eat his food. namjoon blushed in response.

"and it's really funny how you stuff a lot of food in your mouth because you like the feeling of choking" namjoon said.
"i like the feeling of choking on you more" seokjin said.
namjoon blushed but decided to be confident. "you can choke on me as much as you want"
"oh i definitely will.. we have all night just like you said or did you forget?" seokjin asked with a smirk.

namjoon sighed. he knew he was in for one long and rough night tonight.
the only question is...
will his ass be able to handle multiple rounds of sex?

no it will not but it's what he wanted so oh well!

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