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"Kieraaaaa~ Are you ready to go?" I sang cheerfully, but she looked at me and shook her head in mock disappointment

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"Kieraaaaa~ Are you ready to go?" I sang cheerfully, but she looked at me and shook her head in mock disappointment.

"Where do you get all this energy from this early in the morning?" she asked, counting the baggage we were carrying. I twirled around her playfully.

"Well... You know me," I winked at her, confessing that I had consumed an entire can of Coca-Cola, which always gives me an energetic boost in the morning.

"Sei, are you sugar high again?" she sighed, already familiar with my antics. I nodded gleefully.

"Yep, I'm in full sugar mode!" I declared proudly.

"You are impossible," she said, shaking her head in a mixture of amusement and exasperation. Kiera was done organizing and counting the baggage in the trunk of the car. We were about to embark on a trip to my grandparents' house, where we planned to spend our winter break. Kiera is not only my best friend; we have been inseparable since our childhood. Growing up in the same neighborhood, we developed shared interests in movies, attending the same college, and fangirling over anime. And, of course, our love for K-pop.

It's like we share a telepathic connection; she understands me so well that sometimes I don't even have to speak for her to understand what I mean. It's funny how often we say the same things at the same time, truly like a dynamic duo. While Kiera is calm and collected, I'm the hyperactive goofball in our friendship. Yes, she's a year younger than me, but she's undoubtedly more mature.

"How long is the drive?" Kiera asked, settling into the front passenger seat beside me as I took my spot behind the wheel.

"Approximately three hours," I replied, starting the car's engine. She took charge of the music player, quickly searching for EXO's album and letting the songs play on shuffle.

"Now, it won't be a boring drive with EXO's songs," she smiled. I chuckled in agreement. She knew my love for EXO, so having their songs play during the journey meant I wouldn't get bored or tired. Oh, and the reason for my Coca-Cola indulgence in the morning? The caffeine kick was much needed to stay focused during the three-hour drive.

After an enjoyable journey, I finally pulled up in front of my grandparents' house. Both Kiera and I stepped out of the car, ready to unload the luggage from the trunk.

My grandmother, who must have heard the sound of the car, appeared at the front door. Her face lit up when she saw us, and then she used one of her classic endearing nicknames.

"My apple!" she exclaimed, causing me to cringe. "Grandma, please don't call me that!" I protested playfully before hurrying to hug her. She warmly embraced me, and then turned to hug Kiera as well.

"Welcome, Kiera dear," she greeted her with a grandmotherly smile.

"Thank you for inviting me over, Mrs. Uchida," Kiera replied politely.

"Oh! Cut the formality, my dear. Call me 'grandma' like Seiren does. I may be Seiren's grandmother by blood, but that doesn't mean I can't be a grandmother figure in your life," my grandmother proclaimed, offering her philosophical wisdom.

"Thank you, grandma," Kiera gratefully accepted the invitation.

"Okay, my philosopher grandma! Can we go inside already? I'm starving!" I interjected, eager to move the conversation along. My grandma chuckled and nodded.

"Of course, my hungry apple," she said teasingly, and we all made our way into the house. Kiera and I carried the luggage to the room we would be sharing, excited for the adventures that awaited us during this winter break in my grandparents' cozy home.

This winter break, spending time with my best friend, Kiera, at my grandparents' house, promised numerous fun-filled moments and unforgettable memories.


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