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I lay flat on my back, enveloped in an uncomfortable silence that permeated the room

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I lay flat on my back, enveloped in an uncomfortable silence that permeated the room. Katsuki casually withdrew his phone, pretending to be engaged in some activity, though I was well aware that he was merely feigning interest.

"I... Um... Could you help me in sitting up properly?" I inquired, realizing that I lacked the strength to do so independently due to my incomplete recovery. With a nod, he rose from his seat and approached. Using a pillow for support, he gently guided me into an upright position, providing support with one hand on my back.

"There, all done," he stated, his proximity becoming unexpectedly apparent. His intense, crimson eyes locked onto mine, devoid of his typical scowl, revealing a side of him I couldn't help but admire – his strikingly handsome face.

"Bakugo..." I struggled to utter any further words.

"Katsuki," he interjected, prompting my confusion.

"Huh?" I responded, seeking clarification.

"Call me 'Katsuki'," he insisted, his gaze momentarily flickering to my lips before returning to my eyes, as if contemplating something.

"Katsuki... We..." I began, my sentence cut short by Kiera's sudden exclamation.

"Oh! My! God!" Kiera's interruption startled us both, and a blush crept across my face. Katsuki hastily stepped away, leaving me flustered, Kiera perplexed.

"What on earth just happened?!" Kiera demanded, taking a seat beside me on the bed.

"What are you talking about?" I pretended ignorance, trying to downplay the situation.

"You know perfectly well, Sei! You two were about to kiss!" she exclaimed.

"No! Nothing like that occurred! He was merely helping me to sit up straight," I defended, albeit acknowledging that if Kiera hadn't intervened, we might have indeed kissed.

"Your lips were mere inches apart!" Kiera insisted. I scoffed, growing increasingly frustrated.

"Whatever!" I retorted, feeling exasperated. Even if I harbored feelings for Katsuki, and even if he reciprocated, what was the point? I would be departing soon, rendering any emotional bond between us futile.

"Do you have feelings for him?" Kiera queried. I regarded her, then closed my eyes and sighed.

"I do," I confessed, my head resting in my hands, frustration consuming me.

"Seems like he may have feelings for you, too, given his inclination to lean in," she suggested.

"What's the use, Kie?" I questioned.

"Why are you searching for a purpose in it?" she pondered.

"We'll be parting ways soon. I don't want to shatter his heart or mine, for that matter. If our feelings deepen, it would be agonizing to leave," I reasoned.

"True, you have a point," Kiera conceded, releasing a heavy sigh. She appeared deeply troubled, and I sensed that something was amiss.

"What's troubling you, Kie?" I inquired, grasping her hand gently.

She shook her head, attempting to mask her emotions with a smile. "It's nothing, forget it," she deflected. I persisted, refusing to let her fend off my concern.

"Tell me," I pressed.

"I think..." She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts.

"I think I have feelings for someone, too," she confessed. My eyes widened momentarily before transforming into a wide grin.

"Who's the lucky guy?" I teased playfully, waggling my eyebrows. She playfully swatted my arm.

"This isn't a joke!" she exclaimed, but I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I never said it was. But seriously, spill the beans - who's captured your heart?" I probed again.

"The No. 2 pro hero," she admitted, toying with the hem of her shirt.

"What the hell! When did this happen?" I exclaimed, genuinely shocked. It wasn't every day that my best friend confessed to having a crush on Shoto Todoroki.

"It just... sort of happened. I don't know when, but I catch myself constantly thinking about him when he's not around, and when he is, I can't even maintain eye contact. My heart races uncontrollably whenever he's nearby," she explained, revealing the extent of her infatuation. It was evident that she was smitten with the guy.

While my feelings for Katsuki hadn't reached such intense heights, it could be attributed to my better control over my emotions. I had no insight into Katsuki's true sentiments, nor did I know if he reciprocated my feelings. Regardless, I could sense that our connection would pose challenges when the time came for me to depart, challenges for which I was ill-prepared.


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