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"Wow, looks like you are both feeling the same way

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"Wow, looks like you are both feeling the same way. Interesting," Keigo teased, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Shut up, chicken," I said, glaring daggers at the older man lounging in the armchair.

"Hey! Don't call me that!" Keigo retorted, his voice filling with mock indignation.

"Sei! You're awake!" Kiera exclaimed, her voice filled with relief as she rushed toward me, pulling me into a tight hug. I reciprocated the embrace, feeling a sense of comfort in her presence.

"I was so scared. I thought you were going to die! Bakugo saved the day by getting you to the hospital in time," she said, her words tumbling out in a rush. Her worry and nervousness were palpable.

"I'm alright now, Kie. I won't give you reason to worry," I assured her, rubbing her back gently. She pulled away, gazing at me intently.

"You better keep that promise," she warned, though a small smile played on her lips.

"I can't make any guarantees," I chuckled, raising my hands in a gesture of defense.

"I'll inform the others that you're awake," Kiera said, nodding before leaving the room. As she exited, I turned to Keigo.

"Keigo?" I asked, waiting for his response. "How long was I unconscious?"

"One day," he replied. I had been unconscious for a whole day, a longer time than I had anticipated. Clearly, I had sustained some serious injuries.

"Could I get something to eat?" I inquired, hoping to satiate my hunger.

"Anything," he replied, his eyes fixed on me, awaiting my request.

"Mind if I have some chicken wings?" I suggested, a cheeky grin spreading across my face. A smile immediately formed on his lips.

"That's my kiddo. I'll bring some over for you," he said, rising from his seat.

"Ground Zero, do you want anything to eat?" Keigo asked, turning his attention to Katsuki.

"No," Katsuki replied curtly. Keigo nodded before leaving the room, leaving me alone with Katsuki. An uncomfortable silence settled between us, prompting me to break it.

"Where's Hades?" I asked, referring to Eijiro Kirishima.

"He's with that shitty-hair," Katsuki replied, his tone unenthusiastic. He was referring to Eijiro Kirishima.

"I'm glad he's okay," I said, my relief evident. Katsuki simply grunted in response.

"Thank you for getting me to the hospital on time," I expressed, genuinely grateful. His face contorted into a scowl, the familiar stubbornness taking over.

"Well, maybe next time think twice before jumping to the rescue in the middle of battle," he grumbled. I scoffed, slightly taken aback.

"I saved your life. A simple 'thank you' would have sufficed," I retorted, unable to hide my annoyance.

"Thank you," he muttered begrudgingly.

"Woah, did I hear you correctly? Did you just say 'thank you'?" I asked, genuinely surprised. Katsuki wasn't one to easily express gratitude, especially to me, considering how often we clashed.

"I'm not repeating myself, annoying bird," he shot back, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice. I chuckled at his response.

"I heard you loud and clear the first time," I replied, smiling at him. To my surprise, he mustered a half-smile. It may have been incomplete, but it was genuine, and I found myself captivated by it. It wasn't just butterflies in my stomach; it was an entire jungle of emotions.

"Damn," I muttered under my breath, my gaze drifting toward the ceiling. Falling for someone in this world was never part of the plan. Why was it so difficult to stick to my own words?


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