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It was Keigo's birthday so we held a party for him, calling his friends and many pro heroes to the party

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It was Keigo's birthday so we held a party for him, calling his friends and many pro heroes to the party. It has been few days since I and Katsuki went on our first date. Not that we didn't go on any date again, we did quite a few times later. But, he never asked me to be his girlfriend and I don't have enough guts to ask him to be my boyfriend.

"We should go on a double date, Sei!" Kiera said as handed me my drink.

"Hm. We should," I replied absentmindedly.

"Hey! What happened?" She asked placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Did Shoto ask you to be his girlfriend?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Yeah, we are a couple. Why? Is it about Bakugo?" She asked.

"Katsuki never asked me to be his girlfriend. I mean yeah we have kissed hundreds of times and have been dating for a while, but without confession, it doesn't seem official to me," I stated.

"I'm sure he'll ask you. Soon," She said giving me a reassuring smile.

"Hope so. I'll go look for the birthday boy," I said as I went to search for Keigo. He was on the rooftop alone.

"Keigo~" I sang as I stood beside him.

"Why are you here alone?" I asked.

"In two days, we'll leave for our official mission. It'll be a hard time adjusting without you now. It'll get lonely," He said.

"I can always come by to meet you, chicken," I said as he flicked my forehead.

"Don't call me that!" He said.

"You know I'm here for you, right?" I said.

"Yeah, I know," He said giving me a small smile. Keigo is a family to me right now, I really can't see him like this.

"You want a hug?" I asked. I know to Keigo I was no less than a child and we always had a relationship like that of siblings.

"Yeah, I guess I can use a hug," He said, I smiled as he hugged me. He ruffled my hair as he hummed in comfort.

"Are you feeling better now, birthday boy?" I asked.

"Yeah, a lot," He replied. I heard someone clearing their throat as I broke the hug and looked at the person who it was.

"Katsuki... "

"I was looking for you. But, looks like you are busy. I'll see you later then," He said and left without listening to what I wanted to say.

"He's jealous," Keigo said.

"Why would he be? He knows I see you as my brother," I said. This guy is so weird, whenever I feel like I'm finally able to understand him, he does something uncertain like this.

"You should go and check upon him. Clear things out," Keigo said. I sighed.

"Yeah, you are right," I said.

"Kiddo, please don't lose your calm when you talk to him," Keigo warned me.

"Yeah yeah, I know that. I'll try my best," I said as I left to search up for my man who disappeared to good lord knows where.


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