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I nearly plummeted from the sky a staggering twenty times, but fortunately, I managed to avoid a catastrophic fall

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I nearly plummeted from the sky a staggering twenty times, but fortunately, I managed to avoid a catastrophic fall. Flying turned out to be much more challenging than I anticipated, despite my belief that I had decent control over my wings.

As we approached the familiar-looking house, memories flooded my mind of having seen it in a manga before. Now that I had finally mastered the art of flying, I approached Keigo with newfound confidence.

"I recognize that house. How did you come to know about it, Hawks?" I inquired.

He replied, "That's my home, and I stumbled upon this little friend of yours outside my room's window. I assumed you were searching for this place." He presented my feather, which had somehow found its way into his pocket, and carefully reattached it to my wings.

"I had no idea that I had lost control over my quirk," I admitted as I realized the feather's absence earlier.

"It's your first time using it. Fortunately, you possess a similar quirk to mine, or rather, almost identical. I can train you on how to properly utilize your wings," Keigo explained as we safely landed on the rooftop, revealing that the house was nothing short of a marvelous mansion.

Keigo gently set down Kiera, who appeared on the verge of sickness. After ascending to such incredible heights, it was understandable. Surprisingly, despite my acrophobia, I felt perfectly normal. Perhaps it was because my quirk revolved around flying, compelling me to overcome my fears, or maybe I was too preoccupied to even think about them during flight.

"Are you alright, Kie?" I asked, concerned.

She weakly replied, "Yeah... I'll be fine," although her appearance suggested otherwise.

Keigo gestured towards the stairs leading down from the rooftop and said, "Come on in, kids," prompting us to follow suit.

"Now, I'm sure the two of you must have countless questions. I'll start from the beginning. My name is Keigo Takami, but as 'Otaku,' I'm aware that you already knew that. I met your grandfather when he accidentally stumbled into this world while I held the position of the number two pro hero. I was the one who assisted him in finding a way back to your world," he divulged, revealing his connection to my grandfather.

"You know my grandfather?!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my surprise.

Keigo chuckled. "Oh, kiddo! There's no need to shout. Your grandfather visits me often. You see, when you enter this world, time in your realm automatically freezes. So, regardless of how much time elapses here, it has no impact on your world."

Curiosity piqued, I interrupted, seeking clarification. "How does he manage to return home then?"

"He carries a power locket with him, which serves as the only key to traverse between this world and yours," Keigo explained.

"Where can I find the locket? Do you possess it?" I eagerly inquired.

"Your grandfather keeps it with him. I don't have it," he replied, causing my shoulders to slump with disappointment.

With eyes widened, Kiera anxiously questioned, "Does that mean we're trapped here forever?"

"No way! I refuse to accept that. I'll find another means of escape," I declared, determined never to give up.

Keigo reassured us, "Kiddo, I never said you couldn't leave. I merely indicated that I don't have the locket. However, I do possess clues to something that may serve as an alternative. It won't be easy to locate, and the chances of success are slim, but it's not impossible."

Intrigued, I pressed further, "What is it? If there's even the slightest chance of escaping this world, I'm willing to do whatever it takes. It was my idea to venture into that library, and I recklessly dragged Kiera along, endangering her life."


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