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As we arrived in Hosu city, I found myself captivated by the scenery passing by the car window

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As we arrived in Hosu city, I found myself captivated by the scenery passing by the car window. It was surreal to think that I was actually inside the My Hero Academia universe.

A deep voice broke my reverie. "What's got you so excited?" he asked.

Caught off guard, I replied without turning to face him. "I've heard so many amazing things about Hosu city. It's my first time here."

Surprisingly, a genuine sense of surprise colored his voice. "You've never been to Hosu before?" It was rare to see anything other than anger or annoyance from Katsuki, so this reaction was unexpected.

I met his gaze as he briefly glanced in my direction. "No, I haven't," I stated, nonchalant. I couldn't reveal that I wasn't even from Musutafu either.

"It's strange..." he mused, pausing for a moment.

Curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but question him further. "What's strange?"

He took a moment before answering. "For someone living in Musutafu, it's odd that you've never been to Hosu," he remarked. Shrugging, I didn't feel the need to explain myself to him.

"Well, I guess you've met an exceptional case," I replied, though a nagging thought crossed my mind.

"How do you know my full name?" I inquired, noticing a small smirk forming on his face.

"You are not the only one who knows how to do research," he boasted, his expression filled with pride. I rolled my eyes in response.

"Interesting," was all I said.

"What? I wasn't about to go on a mission with someone I barely know. So, I did my part of the research on you," he explained. I narrowed my eyes, not expecting him to take an interest in gathering general information about his mission partner. But this wasn't the same Katsuki Bakugo I was familiar with.

"Well, I guess we're even then," I muttered, returning my attention to the window. My eyes sparkled at the sight of bustling streets and throngs of people.

"Do you know where the library is?" Katsuki asked. I nodded, taking out my phone to search for the address Keigo had given me earlier.

I relayed the address to Katsuki, who simply nodded before resuming our drive. Being a pro hero, I assumed that he knew his way around Hosu. Eventually, we arrived in front of the library.

"Huh? This library looks ancient! Will they even have that damn book?" Katsuki exclaimed as he got out of the car, opening the back door for Hades, his dog, to stretch.

"I trust Keigo's information. So, let's just go in and start our mission," I suggested.

"Don't give me orders!" he barked, striding ahead with Hades. I sighed and followed behind him.

Upon entering the library, I spotted an elderly woman at the reception desk.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Could you please tell me where I can find the book called 'Mysteries of Magic Castle'?" I asked in a hushed tone, aware of the library's quiet atmosphere.

The woman's response was firm. "I'm sorry, miss. I don't know of such a book. And, may I remind you that pets are not allowed inside the library."

Anger flashed in Katsuki's eyes, ready to retaliate. Acting quickly, I placed my hand over his mouth, preventing further escalation.

"Please, just let me handle this. This mission is crucial to me," I pleaded, avoiding a potential conflict. Though he annoyed me, engaging in a fight would only complicate matters.

As I released my hand, I couldn't help but notice how soft his lips felt. Great, now I'm becoming a pervert.

"I'll... I'll go search for the book. You and Hades can wait outside since pets aren't allowed," I suggested, stepping away from him.

I needed to maintain my distance. Developing unrequited feelings for him was something I couldn't afford, especially considering the fact that I wouldn't be staying in this world forever.


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