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When I entered my room I saw a beautiful dress laid down neatly on my bed

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When I entered my room I saw a beautiful dress laid down neatly on my bed. I took it in my hand and checked out how it would look on me in my full-length mirror.

I stripped down my clothes just letting my undergarments on that was when I heard the door of my bathroom unlock. I turned around and saw the door opening. I heard a familiar deep voice that let out some profanities while opening the door.

"Those dumbasses locked me up inside this damn bathroom?! Why?!" He said. The blonde-haired man's eyes fell on me as he stared at me with big eyes. I could already tell by his blonde hair and deep rough voice that he's my lover.

"Katsuki... " Before I could complete my sentence, I was pulled roughly into a hug as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"Never leave me like that!" He yelled. I could feel his hot tears on my neck. He was crying? Katsuki Bakugo was crying?

"I'm sorry," I said hugging him back. Tears uncontrollably rolled down my cheeks. He broke the hug and cupped my face with his palms.

"I missed you so damn much. I worked constantly to take my mind off you but nothing was helping and I... " I cut his words as I pulled him in a passionate kiss, it was my way of apologizing to him about everything that I did to him. He pulled me closer from my waist as he kissed me more hungrily.

After few minutes of sharing our passionate kiss, he broke it but his forehead still resting on mine. His eyes were closed as his hands rested firmly on my waist.

"I'm sorry, I overreacted the other day and thought you betrayed me. I'm sorry for how pathetic I made you feel," He said.

"That does not matter anymore. We are together now, I love you so much. I'm sorry I took too long to confess," I said cupping his cheeks.

"I love you too," He said. I hummed in response with a smile.

"Why are you half-naked?" He asked. That was when I realized I was indeed just in my underwears because my mind stopped processing when I heard his voice earlier.

"I... I... Get out!" I said pushing him as I got flustered, searching for something to cover me up. He was staring at me dumbfounded.

"Get out! Dumbass!" I yelled.

"You are sexy... " He replied absent-mindedly it only made my cheeks turn redder. It wasn't helping, it only made me more flustered. So, I did it, I threw a pillow at him.

"Get fucking out!" I screamed. He immediately dashed out of the room after that closing the door behind. I fell on my bed in embarrassment. The good thing is we'll never discuss this incident with anyone, ever.

After I was done changing into the party dress that Kiera gifted me, I went outside. Good thing my parents were out of town on business, or else we would have to explain everything to them.

"You look beautiful!" Momo complimented me.

"Thank you, Momo," I said. I glanced at Katsuki who had his mouth open a bit.

"Close your mouth, Kacchan," Izuku said unaware of the situation. I smirked as I looked away continued talking with other people. Everyone seemed happy and I couldn't be more glad. Even though I was used to them using their quirks, having them here as normal humans gave me a complete different experience and happiness. No villains, no trouble.

"So, how did it went with Bakugo?" Kiera asked.

"You lied to me about him not coming!" I exclaimed. She just shrugged in return.

"It went well, we kissed," I said not including the part of me being half-naked in front of him.

"Are you sure? Cause Katsuki was blushing hard and was acting super awkward when he came outside," She said.

"Yeah... I mean we kissed after many days so...," I said. She wasn't buying my lies but it's a good thing she dropped the topic.

Today, I was very happy to finally have Katsuki back in my life. I finally would be able to spend more time with my 'My hero academia' friends. This was perfect, everything felt like it was falling into place. The incomplete puzzle was finally filling up. Is this what a happy ending feels like?


Just one chapter remaining!

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