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"Do you surrender?" I asked as I carried Sight up high in the sky just by holding her one arm, lowly threatening her to make her fall down

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"Do you surrender?" I asked as I carried Sight up high in the sky just by holding her one arm, lowly threatening her to make her fall down.

"Yes! Yes! I surrender! Please let go of me!" She screamed.

"Whatever you say!" I said letting go of her arm, I heard her scream as she fell down but before she could hit the ground, I went and caught her on time. Due to fear, she lost her consciousness and I smirked in victory.

"One is down!" I said as I left her body high up on the tree from where she can't come down even if she regains her consciousness.

"Stop playing with villains! You are putting their lives in danger!" Kiera screamed. I scoffed.

"I know what I'm doing," I said as I jogged away. I could sense someone coming from behind me, as I moved away dodging their attack.

"It doesn't work on me twice," I said to Gepard, who was having a hard time breathing. Half of the villains were already defeated by us including the villain's Phobia whose opponent was Kiera.

"Just give up already," I said.

"No!" He said trying to make another attempt of attack. I sighed as this time I sent full charges of electricity towards him, knocking him out immediately.

After I was done tying up Gepard to the trunk of a tree, I saw that all the villains were defeated. Momo was heavily tired because she overused her quirk.

"Will you be fine?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just will need something to eat," She said with a small smile. I nodded. Denki and the cops were already there to get the villains and put them in prison.
Hitoshi was having a chat with his friend.

I sat there on a rock, waiting for everything to fall in place so we can continue the journey later. But, before that, we'll most certainly need rest.

"Hey," Kiera said sitting beside me.

"Yo," I said.

"You tired?" She asked.

"Nah, I just want everything to end and go home. This place is taking a toll on me," I said.

"Yeah, I can understand why," She said.

"Let's go to EXO's concert later," I said.

"Yeah, we should do that!" She said.

"What's EXO?" A familiar calm voice asked. We both turned around and saw a curious Shoto standing there waiting for us to reply.

"That's a South Korean boyband in our world," Kiera said.

"A boyband huh?" Shoto asked raising his eyebrows. I snorted.

"What? Are you jealous, icy-hot?" Kiera asked. I rolled my eyes, why does she sound like Katsuki.

"No," Shoto said turning away, but Kiera dashed up to him pulling him into a bear hug. It was adorable. I warmly smiled as I got up and started to walk towards my tent. I caught Katsuki staring at me. He scoffed as soon as I gave him a small smile. He turned and walked away.

"Ugh! Now, I just want to go home and lock myself up in my sweet room," I said groaning as I continued my walk towards my tent.


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