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"Hitoshi!" I exclaimed with excitement as soon as I spotted the purple-haired man

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"Hitoshi!" I exclaimed with excitement as soon as I spotted the purple-haired man. I hastened towards him, leaving Kiera behind who was taking her sweet time to catch up. Keigo had dropped us off here before going off to take care of his mysteriously important business.

"I'm so relieved you're here. I was afraid I'd be working with unfamiliar pro heroes. I couldn't sleep last night, I was so anxious. Now I even have bags under my eyes, just like you. See!" I rambled, gesturing to the evidence. Hitoshi chuckled, shaking his head.

"You sure do go off like Midoriya sometimes," he remarked. I grinned at him apologetically.

"Sorry," I replied meekly.

"Hey, Shinso! I didn't know you knew such lovely ladies!" a yellow-haired Pikachu named Denki Kaminari exclaimed. Pro hero Chargebolt! I couldn't believe I was meeting all of my favorite characters in one place.

"I'm honored to know that you're familiar with who I am, pretty lady," Denki flirted. He had always been quite the charmer. I suppose some things never change.

"Seiren Uchida; that's my name, and my hero name is Angel," I introduced myself.

"Angel, huh? You certainly look the part," he winked at me, causing my cheeks to flush.

"Enough with the flirting, Kaminari," Hitoshi interjected, earning a chuckle from me. I surveyed the room, searching for my best friend who was engaged in conversation with Fumikage.

"Hitoshi, who else is going to be a part of this mission?" I inquired. So far, I could only make out Hitoshi, Denki, Fumikage, and Kiera in the room.

"Well, I know Midoriya is coming, but I'm not sure about the rest," he answered. It seemed like quite an important mission, considering the number of pro heroes involved.

"This seems like a significant assignment," I murmured.

"Yes, it's actually quite crucial. Kirishima should be joining us soon," Denki interjected, adding to the conversation. Eijiro, the pro hero Red Riot? I couldn't help but feel elated. It was as though all my dreams were coming true.

"Kirishima! Over here, man!" Denki called out as soon as he spotted his friend. The man with the red hair made his way towards us, a wide grin on his face.

"Red Riot! I'm a huge fan!" I exclaimed, bowing to him. His grin grew even wider.

"Delighted to meet a fan, miss..." he trailed off, waiting for me to supply my name.

"Seiren," I replied simply.

"Miss Seiren. I'm assuming you're a hero too, if you're here?" he inquired. I nodded, sporting a smile.

"My hero name is Angel," I informed him. He nodded, his smile still intact.

"Where's Bakugo?" Denki asked curiously. My eyes widened in panic. Not him! Anyone but him! At this point, I'd even prefer being around Mineta-just not Katsuki Bakugo!

"Hi-Hitoshi! Can I talk to you for a moment?!" I squeaked, unable to stop the desperate plea from escaping my lips. Hitoshi nodded, and we quickly moved to a more private area.

"What is it, Sei?" he asked, using the nickname he had developed for me. Hitoshi was initially quite reserved, but we had grown close over time as I understood his introverted nature better than anyone.

"Do you remember when I told you about my bad experience with Katsuki the first time we met?" I questioned, and he nodded, realization dawning on him that Katsuki would also be on this mission.

"Don't worry. You can just act as if that day never happened and keep your distance from him. Katsuki has changed a lot since becoming the number three pro hero. He'll probably let it slide," he reassured me. Though Hitoshi's words were comforting, my gut feeling told me otherwise.

Gradually, a few more heroes arrived-Ochako Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, and Kyouka Jirou. I instantly hit it off with Ochako. Meanwhile, Kiera was bonding with Eijiro. They were all so incredible. Soon enough, Izuku and Shoto joined us.

"We've met before, haven't we?" Izuku spoke up as he and Shoto approached us.

"Yes, I apologize for that day," I said, bowing my head.

"No, it's fine! I'm sorry too, I didn't realize you two were heroes," he replied. Believe me, Izuku, I didn't know either.

"Yeah," I chuckled nervously.

"I'm Kiera Saito. I'm sorry I didn't properly introduce myself the other day," Kiera introduced herself.

"I'm Seiren Uchida," I added, grinning.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya," Izuku stated. I had heard his name countless times, so I grinned and nodded at him in recognition.

"I'm Shoto Todoroki," Shoto chimed in. Before I had a chance to say anything in response, the door swung open loudly, revealing an angry-faced human, who oddly resembled a pomeranian.

"Huh?! You're all here already?!" he exclaimed, scanning the room. His scowl deepened as his eyes landed on me.

"You!" he growled, striding towards me. This is it. This is where I meet my demise. Goodbye, world...


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