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"I had a nice time with you, Katsuki," I said as I pecked his cheek

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"I had a nice time with you, Katsuki," I said as I pecked his cheek. His cheeks were turning red which made me chuckle.

"Of course you had a nice time. You were with me after all! And who are you laughing at you, annoying bird?" He growled in annoyance.

"Cute, very cute," I said as I ruffled his hair.

"Don't touch my hair!" He growled again holding my hands stopping it from ruining his hair.

"And here I thought you were becoming gentle," I teased him.

"Yeah, keep dreaming dumbass," He said with a smirk. I would be lying if I say that I don't love this Katsuki.

"I'll see you," I said stepping out of his car as he nodded.

"Don't push yourself too much. You are still recovering, annoying bird," He said.

"Are you caring for me?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.

"Of course, I'm, idiot," He said with a smug look.

"Who are you? And what did you do to my Katsuki?" I asked laughing.

"Get lost," He said driving off. I shook my head giggling.

"Woah!" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Did you two go out on a date?" Kiera asked. I rolled my eyes at my best friend as I walked up to her ignoring her question. I tried entering the house but she blocked my way.

"Tell me!" She demanded as her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Let me in and I will," I said as she huffed but let me go in anyway.

"Is that peony on your ear? Did Bakugo gave you? Did you guys kiss? Was he a good kisser?" She showered me with questions.

"Kie, sweetheart. Will you let me breathe?!" I exclaimed in annoyance.

"No! Tell me! Come on!" She said hitting me.

"Yes, it is a peony and he gave it to me. Yes, it was an uncertain date but yes it was still a date. Yes, we kissed and he was great. Done now?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I still have to ask you more!" She pestered me. I groaned again.

"Where is Keigo?" I asked.

"Out on business. So, what did you and Bakugo talked about?" She questioned me again.

"Please, kindly shut the fuck up, Kie!" I yelled.

"Fine fine fine!" She said flaring her nose. It was like we both exchanged souls. I started to make myself peanut butter sandwich.

"Guess what?" She said. I hummed in return.

"Me and Shoto are going on date too!" She exclaimed. Yes, no wonder why she's so cheerful.

"Finally! I'm so happy for you! Finally your coward ass decided to ask him out!" I said hugging her.

"No... It wasn't me who asked," She said blushing.

"Oh! No way! Was it him?!" I asked surprised.

"Yes!" She cheered.

"I see! So, feelings are mutual from both sides huh!" I said dancing. She nodded immediately smiling wide.

It was really heartwarming to see my best friend all smiling and happy. For a moment I forgot that I don't belong to this world and neither does she, but still we both chose to live the moment not caring about the past or future.


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