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Currently, the three of us were seated in the bustling cafeteria, as I hungrily devoured my food

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Currently, the three of us were seated in the bustling cafeteria, as I hungrily devoured my food. My impatience got the best of me, causing me to choke and unleash a torrent of coughs that seemed unstoppable.

Katsuki rolled his eyes and handed me a glass of water, his voice laced with annoyance. I quickly gulped it down, desperate to cease my fit of coughing. Meanwhile, Hitoshi kindly patted my back, concern etched across his face.

"Are you alright now?" inquired Hitoshi, his voice filled with genuine worry. I managed to nod in response, my voice groggy from the relentless coughing. This was utterly mortifying. I found myself embarrassing even in the presence of my crush.

Unable to bear the humiliation any longer, I squeaked, "Uh, excuse me for a moment." My face flushed an intense shade of pink, and without waiting for their reaction, I scurried off to the nearest restroom.

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I rubbed my beet-red cheeks in disbelief. How could something as simple as eating trigger such egregious embarrassment? The sight of myself in this state, especially in front of Katsuki, the person I harbored feelings for, intensified my self-consciousness.

"He's definitely going to use this against me," I muttered under my breath as I continued to rub my fiery complexion, inadvertently worsening it. Frustrated with my predicament, I even enacted a bit of melodrama, pretending to whine and shed fake tears in front of the mirror.

"Neither Kiera nor Keigo are here to rescue me from this mortifying situation," I grumbled to myself before exiting the restroom, realizing that Keigo would only amplify my embarrassment.

Returning to the table, I noticed that Katsuki and Hitoshi had abruptly ceased their conversation upon my arrival. Curiosity piqued, I tilted my head and fixed my gaze on them, silently demanding an explanation.

"What were you two talking about?" I inquired, my curiosity reaching its peak as I settled back into my seat beside Hitoshi.

"Just some guy talk. But what happened to your face?" questioned Hitoshi, his eyes trained on my flushed cheeks. I sheepishly covered them with my hands.

"I might have rubbed my face a bit too vigorously," I mumbled, and a mischievous smile crept across Hitoshi's face, indicating he had something to say. However, before he could utter a word, a message popped up on his phone, redirecting his attention.

"What does it say?" I pressed, awaiting an answer. Hitoshi's brow furrowed as he read the message, then shifted his gaze toward me.

"Apologies, but duty calls. Bakugo won't mind dropping you off at Hawks' place," he informed, his tone apologetic.

"I was planning on taking her there anyway. That's why I came here in the first place," Bakugo interjected with his characteristic brashness, a tone we had become accustomed to.

"Perfect. See you later," Hitoshi playfully teased, ruffling my hair before making his exit. Irritated, I snapped at him, voicing my displeasure at his gesture. Unfortunately, all I received in response were his hearty chuckles as he departed. He knew how much I detested having my hair tousled.

Turning his attention to me, Katsuki couldn't help but find amusement in this revelation. "So, you don't like it when people touch your hair, huh?" he remarked, a hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

"Touch my hair and I swear I'll end you," I warned, glaring daggers at him. His eyes sparkled mischievously as he interpreted it as a challenge, showcasing his typically defiant attitude.

"Well, feel free to try," he taunted, leaning closer and stretching his arms towards my head. I managed to evade his grasp, but I certainly hadn't anticipated the subsequent maneuver. In one swift motion, he pulled me closer, our noses almost touching.


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