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After resting for few hours and making sure that all the villains were already locked up in the prison back at Hosu city, we continued our journey in search for the Hidden city

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After resting for few hours and making sure that all the villains were already locked up in the prison back at Hosu city, we continued our journey in search for the Hidden city.

"Do you know how much longer do we have to go looking for it?" I asked Keigo.

"It has to be close by," He said. I nodded as I continued searching for the city from above.

"Um. Guys, I might have found something," I heard Izuku say through the earpiece which we had on.

Both I and Keigo searched up for Izuku and the rest. We finally found him and he was standing in front of a waterfall.

"There is an opening behind the waterfall, maybe our destination is there," Izuku said.

"We should go in," Hitoshi said. We all started to make our way inside. What lies behind the waterfall, we were completely unaware of it.

As we entered the place, we saw a whole new world there. Everything was so much beautiful and magical.

"This feels like heaven," Kiera whispered. I looked around and saw everyone was staring at the place in awe.

This was the hidden city, after all, now all we had to do was search for the magic castle.

"Our next mission is to search for the magic castle," Keigo said. We all simultaneously agreed and began our search.

It was hard to find it because everything looked the same in a hidden city like it was meant to confuse the outsiders. The people living there weren't helpful either at all.

"I'm tired," I said as I sat on the ground.

"Come on, Sei. You want to go home or not?" Hitoshi asked raising his eyebrows.

"But, this is too much," I whined.

"Get up, kiddo. We are not done yet," Keigo said. I rolled my eyes getting up. As I was following Hitoshi a very beautiful lady passed by, who was covered with expensive jewellery.

A diamond from her ring fell out, which went unnoticed by the lady. I walked there and picked the diamond up. It was a beautiful big diamond which would cost a fortune.

"Ma'am, you accidentally dropped this!" I called out for her. She turned around and looked at me holding her diamond.

"Oh! Oh! Thank you so much!" She said as she took the diamond from my hand. I smiled at her.

"No problem," I said. As I turned around to walk away, but she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Allow me to give you something in return for your help," She said as she took off an expensive necklace from her neck.

"No! No! Ma'am! I can't take such expensive gifts," I said.

"Are you sure? Because this thing costs more than you think," She said.

"I'm sure it does, but from where I come from, I don't think I'll be able to take it there. And it would be such a waste for a gift if I can't keep it with me forever now, won't it be?" I said.

"You are one interesting girl," She said looking at me amused.

"I'll help you with what you are looking for," She said. My eyes shined when she told me that. I couldn't be happier. A good deed always has its way of coming back, I believe it now.


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