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Suddenly everything went silent and pitch dark

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Suddenly everything went silent and pitch dark. It was like I was under Kiera's quirk, but it wasn't her quirk.

"You shall go back to your universe now," I heard a voice say. No! Not yet! I have to say proper goodbyes to my friends! I wanted to fix things with Katsuki before leaving! This cannot be happening this soon!

"No! Wait!" I screamed, but suddenly my surroundings changed and I was back at my grandfather's library.

"No no no!" I screamed as I fell on the floor crying.

"Sei! Get up!" Kiera said coming to my aid.

"I couldn't say a proper goodbye to any of them, I couldn't confess to him! I couldn't!" I said crying holding onto Kiera as my life depends on her.

"Hush! We'll find a way, we'll find a way," She said patting my back.

Even though she said we'll find a way, I know we won't. Beautiful art is always left unfinished, my relationship with Katsuki Bakugo was one such ecstatic unfinished art.

"Let's get you back to your room," She said as she helped me get up. My one hand was holding Kiera's hand and another one was holding manga tightly.

When we reached our room, I fell asleep almost immediately because I was mentally drained.

The next morning when I woke up I realized I had worse puffy eyes and my eyes were as red as a tomato.

"What happened to your eyes?" My grandmother asked.

"Allergies," I lied. She raised her eyebrows not believing my lies. The good thing was she didn't interrogate me any further.

"I have some good news for you though," Said my grandmother.

"What is it?" I asked. I assumed Kiera was still fast asleep.

"Your grandpa is coming back today," She said happily. I smiled.

"That's wonderful, but wasn't he like going to come back later?" I asked.

"I don't know what happened but this morning he called and said he's coming back," She said. I nodded.

Later that day when I was in my room, laying on my bed having no motivation to go out and do something productive. I heard the doorbell ring.

"It must be grandpa," I mumbled as I stepped out of my room. I went to check and my assumption was correct.

"Grandpa!" I said as I bear-hugged the older man.

"Hey! Seiren!" He said hugging me back.

"I missed you," I said.

"Me too, kiddo," He said. My eyes widened realizing that's exactly what Keigo used to call me. I choked as I controlled myself from crying again.

"Good to see you back, honey," My grandmother said. He hugged her after letting go of me.

"Yes, of course! And Kiera dear, so good to have you here!" My grandfather said proceeding to hug my best friend.

"Yes, glad that you are back grandpa," She said. Ever since we were young she had developed the habit of calling him 'grandpa' because of me.

"What did you get me from your trip?" I asked.

"A lot of fish!" He said. I narrowed my eyes which made him chuckle.

"Alright, alright! I'll show you what I got for all three of you," He said. I nodded happily.

Contemplating whether or not should I tell my grandfather about my and Kiera's visit to 'My Hero Academia universe, I sat quietly and watched everyone look through the stuff he brought.


Just few more chapters and this story will end.

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