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Katsuki and I spent the entire time exploring the garden

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Katsuki and I spent the entire time exploring the garden. Watching all the beautiful flowers and talking about random stuff. Even though I mostly knew all about him, but it still felt nice listening from his mouth.

"So, how many guys have you dated?" He asked. I just shrugged. We both sat on a bench understand a tree. Our fingers were still intertwined and neither of us bothered to let go.

"None," I replied. He raised one of his eyebrows not believing me at all.

"Liar," He said.

"I'm not lying," I said.

"Come on, there's no way no one would have hit on you. I mean you have above average looks," He said. I smirked. But, deep down guilt was building up. I wanted to tell him this is not how I look in real life, this is not how I look in my universe. But, I couldn't. I just couldn't tell him all that.

"Are you saying I'm beautiful, Katsuki?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"No! I'm just saying you have above average looks. Don't flatter yourself, annoying bird," He said.

"It's the same thing, angry Pomeranian," I said.

"Well, how many girls have you dated?" I asked.

"None either," He replied. I scoffed.

"You called me a liar and you are lying," I said.

"I'm not lying," He said defending himself.

"Well, then how come a handsome guy like you haven't dated yet?" I asked.

"Are you calling me handsome?" He asked copying me as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yes, I'm. You are handsome and anyone can see that," I said without hesitation. I don't know where I was getting all this confidence from.

"Well, perhaps no one ever wanted to date a guy with anger issues," He said looking away. There wasn't any expression on his face, but I can understand that he's hurt deeply because of the image people have created of him in their heads. His anger is something he can't control, not cause he doesn't want to. But, cause he doesn't know how to. It's not his fault.

"Well, I would love to have a boyfriend with anger issues you know," I said softly nudging him and smiling at him. He looked at me for a moment and in a matter of seconds his lips.

My eyes widened at first, but they eventually closed as he pulled me closer to him. I melted in the kiss as our lips moved in perfect sync. My hands were holding onto his shirt like my life depends on it, while his hands lingered over my arms towards my neck as he finally cupped my cheeks rubbing it with his thumbs.

The kiss was nothing too intimate but it was enough to give my heart a mini attack and animals jumping in my stomach.
He eventually pulled away after giving my lips one last peck. His face was flustered like mine, I know this wasn't his first kiss and neither was it mine. Even though neither of us has dated, it still didn't mean we have never kissed anyone. Yet, it gave me more goosebumps than my first kiss did.

I want to give this relationship a try, even if I'll have to leave someday. I want to have this relationship with him. I want to spend whatever time here I have with him.


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